Saturday, April 22, 2017

Wednesday, 19th April 2017

I woke up at 6 o'clock. I ate breakfast and later I dressed up. Then I went for a walk with my dog. At 7.30 I went to school. My first subject was German. It was fun. Then I had Slovene, English, Math, P.E. and Biology. The school today wasn't bad. Then I went home. My friend Petra came over. We ate pizza. Then she went home because I had music performance. At 18.00 Petra came back and we had a sleepover because the next day we had culture day. We made pancakes and then we played Xbox. It was fun. Then we went to bed and we were on our phones. Then the Wi-Fi didn't work and we played cards. It was weird and fun night. We went to sleep very late and we had to weak up early.

Eva S.,8.a


  1. I see you had a very fun day. Was your performance good??

  2. I really like your blog . We had so much fun together.
