Monday, April 24, 2017

20th April, 2017 *On trip to Austria*

I woke up at 6am,because today we didn't have school but a culture day.We went  to Austria.First we were driving about 1 hour. Then we came to Podljubelj.We saw where the Germans were giving others people in camp.They had to dig a tunnel. We also went to a museum but we didn't go in.We just went around the museum.There were a lot of statues.This man did the statues for  the people who did something for Koroška.Then we went to Celovec. We had a free time.We went to Mcdonald but then we had just a half hour so we didn't buy anything but we were just looking. Then we saw the prince's stone. We went to a room. On the walls there were a lot of coat-of-arms. Then we went to a church.First I thought that this wouldn't be anything special but then a guide said that this was first a normal church but then they recasted the church. Now this is a baroque church.In the end we went to Vrbsko lake.So it was nothing special.Then we went home.At home I had to learn Chemistry because tomorrow we will write a test.
K.S.G   9.b

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! It sounds like a very interesting and fun day in Austria. I hope that next time you more time to go shopping😀!
