Sunday, April 30, 2017

28th April, 2017

Today it is Klavdija’s birthday and last two days I was working until 2.00 am just to finish the surprise for her. We (me and my cousin) woke up at 8.00 (that is when my alarm clock went off, but we got out of bed at 8.30).We ate breakfast and did the last box for the surprise. Around 10.00 my friends came and my mum drove us to Klavdija’s house. That is where we surprised her. The surprise didn’t go as planned but it went pretty good. I think she was really surprised, then we ate cake and at about 14.00 we went home. We quickly ate lunch and went shopping for my junior prom. We found everything I need, which is only a dress and shoes, but is still took us 5 hours. Today was a really busy day, but I’m happy the surprise went well and that I have a dress and shoes for my junior prom.

M.L.T.  9.b


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I see that your friend Klavdija have a very surprisingly day, because of you and your cousin😊! I hope that you choose the right dress for your junior prom that you will be beautiful in it as you always are😉.
