Sunday, April 30, 2017

24th April, 2017

It Monday and everyone hate Mondays, because is start of the week
But sometimes you have to like start of something like movie or weekend, aren’t you? Ok this Monday it wasn’t like every Monday, but not because we wrote a test for music, but because it is a last Monday before the spring’s holidays. So our Monday it was started with boring History, our teacher for History was grading. After boring History we had Biology and we got back test, it wasn’t so good grades. Then we had Slovene and we were doing a NPZ (national knowledge test) from last year. After spring’s break, when we come back to school we will write first a NPZ for Slovene. After Slovene we wrote a test for Music and it was easy. And then our class is ended with Sport we were running on 60m and they we could went long jumping. After Sport we went at home and spring’s holidays are close just one Tuesday and then we can say goodbye school for one week.

L.P.   9.b


  1. Your blog is written very well. You described your day in a very interasting way

  2. Your blog is written very well. You described your day in a very interasting way
