Sunday, April 23, 2017

Friday 21. April 2017

Today I woke up at 6:30. I went to the kitchen and made myself a breakfast. Then in brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then my mom drove me to the health center. I needed to go because I had allergic reaction. Then I went to school at 8:30. We had chemistry. It was boring. Then we had math, physics and two lessons of ethics. At physics we learned about force. Then I went home with bus. Then I cooked the lunch for myself. Then I went to my room and did my homework. At 16:30 I had dance class. It needed at 18:00. Then I ate dinner. Then I watched TV. At 23:00 I went to bed.

Petra Jamnik 8.a

1 comment:

  1. i really like your blog and your day was so interesting.
