Monday, April 24, 2017

23. march 2017

Today I woke up at 6 o’clock. I wash my face and teeth. Then I ate breakfast. I ate bread, jam and cacao.they I went to school.
 This day in school was very fanny end interesting. I and Petra Jamnik were sentry. I come to school at 7 o’clock. At 8 o’clock we prepare dinning room and open the door. They is Petra help  teacher. She is plant a flowers, then is she swarming a soil and I must cleaners this. When was 11o’clock we went wrote test of Physics. We wrote this mini test twenty min. Test was very easy. Then I and Petra were help cook. We wash desk, and then I drawing and singing, because was very tedium. This day we had for free lunch. For lunch was spaghetti and pie. When I and Petra went at home cook took me a ice cream.

J.Krelj, 8.a

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