Tuesday, April 25, 2017

25th April, 2017 ♡HOLIDAYS♡

Today I woke up at 7.00 and realized that is the last day of school in April. Basically tomorrow is the first day of May break. So I told myself that I will get through today and then relax. Our first hour was Geography (everybody hates it), it was so boring and we were all just super sleepy. Our next hour was Math and we were practicing for the NPZ, that’s all we did. Then we had English and we all though there will be many presentations today, but after all there was only one. After English we had two hour of Art and the first hour the teacher was just talking so it was pretty boring. But the next hour we started to draw a little bit so if was not that boring anymore. Then we had Biology and we weren’t talking about anything interesting, so boring again. Then we went on lunch and at 14.15 we had lessons for junior prom up until 15.50. So I came home at 16.00 and just screamed HOLIDAYS!!!! And now I’m going to go out with friends.  I hope your day was a little less boring then my. And I hope you’ll have great time on the HOLIDAYS!

M.L.T.   9.b

1 comment:

  1. My day was boring too...I didn't know that you were screaming when you came home but anyway it's good blog
