Monday, April 24, 2017

Thursday, 20th April, 2017

Today we had a culture day. We were learning about Slovenian poets and writers. First we went to
France Prešeren’s house where he lived for the last three years of his life and to his own cemetery.
Then we went to Doslovče and Žirovnica. It was very cold outside so I was very happy when we cam
back in bus. Our final station was Vrba na Gorenjskem. We were listening to a guide who was very
funny. We saw a lot of old objects from the nineteenth century. Then we went back home. This day
was good but it would be better if we didn’t need to write diaries.
Rok Šantl, 8.b

1 comment:

  1. It was an interesting day. I really like your blogs by the way.
