Sunday, April 23, 2017

Thursday, 20th April, 2017

Today we had excursion. First we went to bus station. We were in
Kranj,Doslovče,Žirovnica and Vrba. First we went to France Prešeren's house in
Kranj. It was interesting. Than we went to Doslovče where we had snack. We
ate sandwich. There we saw a house of Fran Saleški Finžgar. There we saw so
many interesting things. The house was small. Than we went to Žirovnica.
There we saw Matija's Čop museum. We were watching a movie and talk
about him. After that we went to Vrba where we saw Prešern's birght house.
Than we went on a bus and drive in Medvode. I think we learned a lot of new
things and I like it.
Tia , 8.B

1 comment:

  1. It really was a good day! It is nice that you like it!
