Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday, 22nd April 2017

Today I woke up late, because I didn’t have school. I went into the kitchen to eat my breakfast. I ate bread with butter and Nuttela. It was very good. I ate to pieces of it, but then I was still hungry. I ate an apple and some yoghurt and then I went to my room, where I dressed myself. Then I went out. I played with the neighbour’s dog and after an hour I went into the house. I ate lunch and then I went into my room, where I studied. I learned Chemistry, because on Monday we will write a test. It was very boring, but then I went with my family shopping and I like shopping very much. I needed some new shoes, because my cousin has a confirmation. I became some beautiful new shoes. Now I was ready for the next day. When we came home, it was already nine o’clock. I went to the living room, where I watched TV. At 23 o’clock I went to bed. It was a stressful day, but I liked it.

Lara Anja O., 8.a

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