Sunday, April 23, 2017

Friday, April 21,2017

Today I woke up at 6.30 and I said goodbye to my sister and dad because I was about to go to Radenci with my orchestra (we will have practices during the whole weekend). I ate my breakfast and I went to school. I came to school at 8.20 and I talked with my friends about what our new classmate is going to be like. First we had class hour and we've got a new classmate now. His name is Kiril and he is from Ukraine... he is nice and we showed him around our school but because my Russian is very bad he needed to understand some names by himself. Then we had snack, we had bread with some kind of spread. Then we had Slovene we talked about our experience yesterday and then we had The Class Wallpaper. It was good and I liked it. Then we had English where we got our tests and we were making correction. Afterwards we had science. My classmates were graded and then we talked about glasses and mirrors. Then I went to lunch and then I went home because I had to prepare everything for the trip again. Now I'm on the bus to Radenci and I know we are going to have fun because we are going to play tarok instruments too... I hope your day was as fabulous as mine... Alina, 7.a

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