Sunday, April 23, 2017

Thursday, 20. April 2017

Today me and my friend Eva woke up at 6:50. We went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. Then we walked her dog. At 7.45 we went to school. Today we had culture day. We went with bus to Kranj , Žirovnica, Vrba and Doslovče. First we went to the grave of France Prešeren and his house. Then we went to the birth house of Franc Saleški Finžgar. In the house we listened to a short clip of Frances life. Then we went to the birth house of Matija Čop. Our last spot was the birth house of France Prešeren. The house was pretty. The furniture was different and there were some objects that I didn’t recognize. At 15:00 we came home. Then I prepared for dance class. At 17:30 the dance class started. Today the class was hard. At 19:00 the class ended. At 22:00 I went to bed because I was very tired.

 Petra Jamnik 8.a

1 comment:

  1. You have so much fun that day, because you didn`t have school. :)
