Sunday, April 23, 2017

Tuesday, 11th April 2017

Today I woke up at 8 o'clock. I woke up late so I got ready fast. I just changed my clothes. Then I wash my face and brushed teeth. For breakfast just grabbed a banana because I was in a big rush. After that, I went to school. While I was walking to school I saw my neighbour and he was asking me some questions and he didn't stop talking so I stopped him and said that I am in big rush so I just said goodbye I ran to school. While I was running, my bottle fell out of my schoolbag, it collapsed downstairs, and I had to get it so it took me a lot of time. Finally, when I got the bottle I just grabbed it and ran to school. I was a little late but luckily, my teacher was late too. It was an awful morning, but then all end up well.

Tatjana B., 8.b

1 comment:

  1. Good jop Tatjana. I like your blog very much. Well done!
