Sunday, April 30, 2017

20th April, 2017

Today I woke up early, because we have cultural day in school.  We went to Celovec, because we had a topic about Slovenians that live behind borders. It was really interesting. We were also informed about Slovenians in second world war and it was really tragic. After that we went to a village named Sveče. There was an opened museum and gallery.  We have also pause in Celovec and we went to McDonald. After that we have seen Prince´s Stone that was original in Gosposvedsko field. We went into a hall that was full of different coats of arms. And in the end we went to lake and it was very cold, however two of my classmates jumped in the water. We came home late but it was really good trip and I hope that we will repeat it soon. When we came home I was really tired of all trips and windy weather so I just went to sleep.
Nina B.  9.b


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  4. Great job nina you desribed your day in a very specific way!
