Sunday, April 23, 2017

Wednesday, 19th April 2017

Today is Wednesday and at that day, I usually have to wake up at 8 o'clock but today I had to wake up at 6:30 because I had to duty with my classmate Mirjam. Our job was to come at 7:10, which we did. When we came to school cockers gave us instructions what we need to help them. We prepare dining room for snack and we needed to clean after they ate the snack. The most of time we had to sit and wait until someone needed help or something else. We finished it at 14 o'clock and then we went home.

Tatjana B., 8.b


  1. Wow!! Yiu did it great i like your blog. I see that your day was perfect.

  2. Wow!! Yiu did it great i like your blog. I see that your day was perfect.
