Sunday, April 23, 2017

I think these are Lovro's blogs for Emin

Monday, 17th April 2017 Today I had a nice day. It was an Easter Friday! So there was no school for a whole day! I woke up at eight o'clock. Then I had breakfast and brushed my teeth. I played for thirty minutes and then at ten o'clock I went to the football playground which is close to my house. I played football there for two hours. My team has won. Then I went home and had lunch at two o'clock. We had a homemade pizza! It was delicious. At three o'clock I met with Nemanja and we went to Medvode's Ice Cream! We really liked it. I had a dinner at seven o'clock. I ate bread and a soup. Then I watched TV until eleven o'clock and went sleep. Emin K. Tuesday, 18th April 2017 Today my day was pretty good but not like yesterday because I had to go in school… My first lesson was Math. We were learning about circles and we were doing exercises in books. Then we had English. It was not so great. We were talking about tenses. English is really not my favourite… My next lesson was History. We still didn't geto ur tests from the last week back. I hope for at least three… Or maybe I am too optimistic. Our next lesson was Geography. We were learning about Latin or South America and we were watching a movie about Aztecs, Mayas and Inchs. It was pretty interesting. My last lesson was a Class lesson at Mr. Lipavšek. We were talking about grades and about those who were missing some days at school. Then I went home. I can say that I had a good day. Emin K. Wednesday, 19th April 2017 Today was another (of course) school day. My first lesson was Slovene at Mr. Lipavšek! We were talking about exurcion that is going to be tomorrow. We were also writing in our work books. Then we had English. We were doing exercises in workbook and student's book. My next lesson was P.E. We were testing ourselves for a sport card. It was pretty hard but I am a good sports man. After P.E. we had Maths. Some of us were doing exercises and some of us were fixing grades with a test. Then my last lesson was Biology. We were learning about senses. It was not so funny, well like nothing. I can say that I had a pretty good day. Emin K. Thursday, 20th April 2017 Today was an interesting day. We had an excursion. We went to Gorenjska. First we went to Kranj. We were in Prešeren's museum and in Prešeren's grove where he is buryd. We learned many new things. We also wrote diaries and paper sheet. Then we went to Doslovče where is Franc Saleški Finžgar's birth house. There we had a snack and we listened to him on radio. We also saw the pictures and other resources. After that we went to Matija Čop's birth house in Žirovnica. We were watching a movie about Gorenjska's heritage. It was very nteresting. Then we also saw another exhibition with many things in it. After it we went on our last area or something like that. It was in Vrba where France Prešeren came on the world.☺ We saw the whole house and we heard a sir that told us something about Prešeren and his birth house. It was funny and interesting too. After that we went home full of knowledge and asleep. It was a really good day with lots of interesting things and informations. Emin K. Friday, 21st April 2017 Today was another school day. It was pretty good. My first lesson was History. We STILL didn't get our tests back. That's »hillarious«. I was graded and I got a three. I am pretty happy actually. Now I am saved of grading today. Our next lesson was Chemistry. We were learning and talking about compounds. It was pretty cool. Then we had snack and after it we had Maths. We were learning about circles and arc. Then we had Physics. It was boring like always. We were talking about pressure and other forces. Well, if you ask me that is tiresome. Then we had two lessons of Ethics. We had a substance about countires and European Union. Then we went home. I can say that it was pretty good and tiresome day. Emin K. Saturday, 22nd April 2017 Today was a very good day! No school, no work, well sometimes. I woke up at eight o'clock and ate my breakfast. Then I brushed my teeth and I played some Then I went to the football playground and played football for one hour. I had lunch at one o'clock. We ate spaghetti and a salad. After lunch I went to Spar and bought some Coca Cola. I played again when I came home. Then I watched a football match. It was very interesting. We had a dinner at seven o'clock. We ate bread and some meat. It was very delicious. After dinner I watched TV untill ten o'clock. Then I used my phone for fun and went sleep. It was a good day! ☺ Emin K.

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