Sunday, April 30, 2017

21st April, 2017

Today is Friday and end of our school week. Our class today started with Geography and my schoolmate had a presentation. After Geography we had a lesson of Slovene and we were talking about Župančič’s poem “Žebljarska” which is talking about the workers in his season.  After Slovene we had Sport and we were running on 600m and we get a really good times for this quite long distance.  Then we have Math and everyone was nervous, because test next lesson. Our Math teacher allowed us to repeat Chemistry, but we had to do at home a NPZ for Math. Then we have Chemistry and we wrote a test, it wasn’t easy. After test we were talking about the test and then we found out what we do wrong, but whatever now is it what is it. After test of Chemistry we had two lessons free and then we had German. For German we were checking our homework. This is how our last Friday before the break is ended. 

L.P.   9.b

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that the test of Chemistry was not easy.I like your blog.All praise.
