Tuesday, April 25, 2017

24th April, 2017 ^Surprised, but not in the good way.^

It's Monday, and today  was a very interesting day. I was going to wake up at 7.00, so I woke up at 6.35 and fell back asleep. Then at 7.30 I woke up again and realized that I have to get up. I got up, got ready and went to school. Our first hour was History and the teacher said, that she will grade 6 students, so we were all afraid. Even though she said that she will grade 6 students, she only graded two. Our next hour was Biology and we got our tests back. When we first saw the average of our whole class, we were really surprised, but not in the good way. After we saw that, we were all just afraid of our grades, but they didn’t turned out so bad at all. After Biology we had Slovene and I think everybody, who has teacher Lipavšek, knows that we’re all just a little scared, because with him you never know what will happened.  Then we had Music and we were writing a test. At first I was so scared, but when I got the test I wasn’t so scared anymore. The teacher always says that the test that she will give us is only for 15minutes, so after 30minutes she just takes our tests from us. I really don’t like that, because I think I will have 45 minutes, but then I only have 30. I don’t know, I just don’t like that. After that we had P.E. and it was a lot of running. Then I ate lunch and went home. Today was a stressful day, but I survived.

M.L.T.    9.b

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that you survived that day..hehehe...but I don't like that we have only 30 minutes for a Music test too.
