Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday 3.4.2017

 Today I woke up at 5:30. I wash my face, make my bed, dressed and
fed my horses Then I ate breakfast ant went to school.

This day in school was very interesting. My bus was late because on a street was street accident. I ran to school, but I missed my first school our Chemistry. When I came in a school I ran down the stars in the wardrobe I got a very very big headache and starting to spin, because I fell down the stars. I was cray because I cant saw so room was turn around me. Then came Tatjana Šušteršič. She was help me, Tatjana is very kind. Then was call my mum and gave me a tea. I was one hour in she’s office and slept on a chair. Then my mum come and I went in a hospital.

Julija K., 8.a

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