Sunday, April 30, 2017

29th April, 2017

Today it was a very disappointing day. I woke up at 9.00 and ate breakfast. Then we went outside, that is when my mum asked me if I want pizza for lunch. Of course I said NO (just kidding I said YES). So after about two hours I asked her if she called any pizzerias, but she said not yet. I volunteered to call Kocka pizzeria, but they didn’t answer, at that time I was starving, I just wanted a pizza, but NO they just wouldn’t answer. We decided we’re going to go there and order. So we went there and guess what, it wasn’t open (like how could they do that to us?). I called my mum and said that is an emergency and that she has to call another pizzeria. She saved us and after one more hour we went and got our pizzas. Literally this was the best moment today. I still don’t get why would you close the pizzeria and you know that there are so many people wanting their pizza. This was a very emotional day for me, but I survived it. Basically I just wanted to share what I experienced today. Hopefully your day wasn’t that disappointing.

M.L.T  9.b

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy for you, that you get a pizza😊. I really enjoy in reading your dramatic blog.😉
