Monday, April 24, 2017

21. March 2017

I woke up at 5 o’clock. I was feed my animal, make my bed, wash my face and went to school. I was in school at qouter past six.
This day was very beautiful. We went in cinema. Me watch a film <še žal ti bo< this film was very sadly, because I person die.
We came to school at ten minutes to eight. We took our snack and they went to train station. We went in Ljubljana by train. In train was very hot,and I had headache. We drove twenty min. and then we came in Ljubljna. In a station we ate a snack and then we went in cinema. Film finsh at 11o’clock. Then we went in a walk. We were walk four-teen min.
Then we went in a train station and went home. We came in Medvode at two o’clock.

Julija K., 8.a

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