Saturday, April 22, 2017

Friday, 21st April 2017

Today I woke up at half past six. I went to the kitchen and then I ate my breakfast. I went into the bath. I brushed my teeth and my face. Then I went to my room and I dressed myself. At 7.40 school started. The first lesson was History. I thought that we get a new note in History from the last test, but the teacher still didn’t evaluate our tests. After this lesson, we had Chemistry. We learned about chemical reaction. Then we had Maths. We learned about the area of the circle. It was very interesting. Then we had Physics. We learned about the pressure. After that, we had two lessons of Ethics. We learned about EU and Slovenia. After that I had lunch and then I went home. I did my homework and then I cleaned my room. At eight o’clock I watched TV and at 23 o’clock I went to bed. It was a beautiful day.

Lara Anja O., 8.a

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog... I see you had a busy day...
