Tuesday, September 19, 2017

TRAVELLING TEH WORLD We start our jurney of in Moscow in the Red Square.It is winter and the conditions and temperatures are harsh.We have seen a lot of world war two museums and the famous Kremlin where Vladimir Putin has his office... Edi
THE WALL One day there was a man named Alex. He was 14 years old child. He was very popular in his school. But there was one guy who hated him a lot. His name was Marco. He hated him because Alex was very popular but he…he was just normal boy and nobody liked him. He decidet to do very good plan and it was risky too. He did that plan because one day when Alex and his co went by him Alex said: »Look at that animal«, and he spat him. This day Marco got so angry that nobody thought he will do something like that plan. Next day something weard happened. Alex and his friends went home and in front of them there was a wall so they could not go home in this way. And on this wall was blood. They just ran away to home. Next day Marco was not in school. And in the evening somethig terrible happened. You could hear sound from far away. Police and ambulances was everywhere. They got a detectiv too. His name was Luke. Alex was on the ground at this wall and on wall there was written: »Who is next?« He was death. They saw that he was killed with knife. Like that the terrible things at wall started to happening. Like one thay when blood was everywhere on wall and everybody knew that something is not wright. They still did not know who killed Alex. So Luke had important mission… Klemen

Sunday, September 17, 2017


I realy remember this summer because it was awesome. So I will tell you how it was. First day I came to our beach house and it was very clean and tidy. I loved it. We had lunch and after it we went to the beach. I was swimming for about fiften minutes and then someone screamed! The voice screamed: »Heeeelp!« At that moment I got scared. I was thinking that I will get in trouble so I went out of water. Then I saw the cave. I went into it because it was interesting, when I suddenly saw the woman… Luka


THE MAGICAL PEN Summer holidays are here. Tim and Zoja are a brother and a sister Holidays started for the primary school Medvode. Their parents decided to go to Hawaii. They went by plane. When they arrived they went to their houses and Tim and Zoja headed to the beach. Tim asked Zoja:«Would you go diving with me?« Zoja agreed so she threw the mask in the bag and they headed out. When they were diving they heard a strange sound. They were scared and returned to the surface. Tim asked:« What is this sound?« Tim heard the same word, I think that is the word hulu. Tim asked what it means. I think it means pen. They dived to the bottom of the sea and saw the pyramid that went in the pyramid and in the pyramid was a coffin. Tim was so curios that he opened the coffin and in it was a magic pen and next to the pen was a letter. In the letter it said: ‘Ia oe keia penny kupanaha a o kau mea e huki ai oe kau’. The translation of this magical pen is now yours. Then the pyramid starded to shake. Tim and Zoja were scared so they escaped to the surface. Almir

Saturday, May 6, 2017


Yesterday I woke up at 7:30. Then I ate my breakfast. Then I went to school. We had Chemistry,
Biology, English, Slovene, Maths and History. It was very boring day in school. At 4 o’clock my best
friend came and we went outside with her dog on a long walk and we were eating chocolate. Then I
had karate. It was very funny and tiresome. In the evening I was learning for school. Then I ate dinner.
I went to bed at 10 o’clock. Then I read a good book. Its title is Martian. Its writer is Andy Weir. It is
written in English. And problem was in sentences like this: Use the manual valves to equalize the
Zala, 8.b

Wednesday, 4th January, 2017

It was 4 th of January yesterday. I woke up at 6:30. Then I ate my breakfast. Then I went to school. We had Deutsch, English, Slovene, Geography, Maths, Physics and Art. Then I had lunch.
After the school I had catechesis. Then I went out on ice cream with my friend. It was nice. Then I was learning for the school because tomorrow we will write test.. In the evening I was watching my
favourite series named Blindspot. In the bed i was reading a book named Martian.
I don’t know what to write now. So good bye and have a nice day.
Zala, 8.b

Friday, 14th April, 2017

It is 14 th of April today. Today I woke up at 7:30. School started at 8:30 today. We wrote a History test
today. It was not so hard. I guess I will get 4 or 5. I had my birthday 2 days ago. It wasn’t something
special. In school I am little unfocused these days because of lots of things that I have to do.
Tomorrow I am having orienteering competition in Lipica. I hope there will be good weather. I think this
is enough for today and I don’t know what to write so bye-bye and have a good day.
Zala, 8.b

Wednesday, 12th April, 2017

It is 12 th of April today. It was cloudy and warm today. I woke up at half past six, because my alarm
clock went off. I had first aid competition today. It was in Črnuče. There were just 4 members in our
team. Other teams had 5 members so we had bigger problems than other teams. But however we
were very good. We came back to Medvode at 7 o’clock. Then I l was learning for school for some
time and did my homework. I had my birthday today. I almost forgot about this. I got kimono for karate
and one hour of riding as a gift. I was very happy.
Zala, 8.b

Tuesday, 3rd January, 2017

It is 3th January today. I woke up at 6:30. Then I ate my breakfast. Then I went to school. We had
Deutsch, Slovene, Maths, Physics and Technology. Then I had lunch. I came home at 2 o’clock.
In the evening I had karate. It was nice like always. I really like this sport. Then I learned for the school
and did my homework. I am sad because of end of holidays. In the evening I was learning for the
school. Then I was reading a now book.
I don’t know what to write now so good bye and have a nice day.
Zala, 8.b


I woke up at 7 o’clock. Today I came to school at 7.40. We had an excursion. We went to Kranj first.
We saw France Prešeren’s house. Then we went to Doslovče where we saw birth house of Fran
Saleški Finžgar. We were listening his voice on the radio. Then we went to Žirovnica where we saw
birth house of Matija Čop. We watched a movie about him and our cultural heritage. Then we went to
Vrba and we saw Prešeren’s birth house. We saw the house and we learned how life was in his times.
The weather was cold and cloudy but it was a nice excursion. Today is a last day before I go to Sicily.
Zala, 8.b

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Wednesday, April 19,.2017

On Wednesday morning I woke up before the alarm clock. Then I ate breakfast. I had cereal whit yoghurt and a glass of fresh orange juice that day.I went to school one hour earlier to help my classmate with homework she didn´t understand. Then we had math and I did all the homework. At natural sciences we are talking about lawe. At english we had the test.Geography lesson went by fast. At history we got our tests back. I did it good. At gym although my leg hurt I ran fast. And it was another good day behind me. MaJa, 7.a

Thursday, April 20,.2017

Thursday was the best day of this week, because we didn´t have school. We had a fieldtrip. When we drove we were all thirilled. Our first stop was Stična and monastery there. It was a little chilly. In Muljava was our next stop. There we also had our lunch. We took a tour around Jurčičeva haus. He was our famous writer. It was so cold there that we were all happy a return on a bus. We were heading to Rašica. During the ride we were writing our diarys. Our last stop were Velike Lašče. There we heard about a life of Fran Levstik and Josip Stritar. It was a beautiful and also very cold day. MaJa, 7.a

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

On Tuesday I got up as usually at 6 o´clock. We had american pancakes with maple sirup for breakfast.Then I went to school with my sister Eva. At slovene lesson, it was our firstlesson of the day, we made our teacher a bit angry because our knowledge wasn´t good. At gym we could choose between hockey with boys, bowls or watching the game of badminton. I choose bowls because my leg hurt and I watch the game. Than we had natural sciences. I always have a good time with that subject. At english we were makeing excercises for test. At math we got a lot of homework so I had a full busy afternoon. MaJa, 7.a

Monday, April 17, 2017

On easter Monday we went to the mass. When we came home we went to visit the rest of our family and changed some easter eggs. After visit when we got home we played games. It was really funny. Rummy is the game we all love and usually we laugh a lot when we play it. With my sisters we sang some songs and danced a little later we had dinner. After that I prepared my school bag and went to sleep. I like easter Monday a lot because I don´t hope to go to school. See you next time. MaJa, 7.a


STORY about little girl. Little girl JOLLY was very beautiful girl. She had long brown hair and blue eyes. She was always wore a long pink dress with butterfly and she loved animals(horse, cat and dog). When she had 4 years, she wanted a dog and horse, but her mother hated animals. Jolly rely loved animals, because she was crying all days because she hadn’t animals. One day was her mother told her > Jolly why are you crying all time?????> and Jolly told < because I want to animals, so I really love them<. when her mother heard this she was so sadly, because she hated animals and therefore must to suffer her daughter. Mother was very sadly, therefore was she told < I buy horse, dog and cat for my beautiful daughter ever if hate animals< Next day was Jolly’s birthday. Mother was brought present for Jolly.Jolly was convinced that will got clothes or candy, but when she seen horse, dog and cat was very very very very happy. She was crying from happiness. Next day named all her new animal. Horse got name Spirit, dog got name Diego and cat got name Bella. She was the happiest girl on world, but her dog Diego was so sick and he must went in a vet ambulance . In ambulance was vet said < dear Jolly your dog Diego is very sick. He will die, because he is poisoned.< when Jolly heard this began to cry. She was hugging Diego and said < My Diego stay with me and don’t leave me.< Next day when was Jolly and Jolly’s mother come into the hospital to Diego was dog very good. Then come vet and said < Diego is healthy,, the magic helped<. ever body was very very happy and smiling. At 12:15 o’clock they come at home, and time was for lunch. For lunch they ate potato, steak and ice cream. Then she went rode her horse Spirit. She was rode two hour but then was came in forest- Black Forest, and in this forest is Monster. This monster is in this forest 1000 years and people say that eat all living being, but Jolly wasn’t know this... she want in a forest. Forest was very spooky and dark.she walked very slowly and quietly and then she heard terrible sounds. She stooped and started crying, because she was afraid, but time for crying wasn’t because Monster came. Jolly don’t know what to do. She jumped on the horse and quickly ran outside from the forest, but she was to late,so Monster is too so fast, because it caught Jolly and Spirit. Then was Monster killed Spirit, Jolly had broken leg, but when she saw that a Monster killed the horse, she quickly ran to him and started cry. The Monster was grabbed Spirit and then he ate it :( Jolly was so so sadly. She creamed. Then Jolly from sorrow died. Jolly’s mother is too today die, she died because she had broken heart, but dog Diego and cat Bella are living on a farm in ZDA . From this story was been 100 years, but people say that Monster too today eat boons of Spirit. JULIJA KRELJ 8.A 2. SKUPINA

Wednesday, 12th April, 2017

Today I had a good day. I woke up at half past seven. Then I have eaten breakfast and went to school. My first lesson was Slovene. It was cool. We were talking about France Prešeren. Then we had snack. After a snack we had English. We talk about present perfect. Our next lesson was Geography. We have learned something about South America. Our teacher was pretty moody. We were watching a movie too. Then we had Maths. We were learning about circle. It was pretty hard to understand. Next lesson was Physics. We were writing about forces and objects. It was a good day. P.H 8b

Thursday, 20th April 2017

Today we had a culture day. We were in Kranj, Doslovče, Žirovnica and Vrba. We saw Prešeren`s house, and his grave in Kranj.Than we went to villige Doslovče where we had time to eat breakfast and we were also in Finžgar`s birth house. It was an old house with old objects in it. Than we went to Žirovnica where Matija Čop ( Prešeren`s friend) was born. We were watching a movie and talk about him there. After visiting his house we went to Prešeren`˙s birth house. Our guide told us a lot of living in this house. Than we went on a bus and drive in Medvode. I think we learned a lot in this short day. P.H 8b

Sunday, 9th April 2017

Today I woke up at 8 o`clock. We had breakfast very early. It was very good, I like it because I like to eat cornflakes. At 10 o`clock I went to friend. At midday I was studying, till launch. At afternoon my brother came on visit. We had a lot of fun. At 6pm we went to visit our family friends. When we came home I went to watch TV and I watch basketball match . At 9 pm I took a shower. After that I was on the computer and I was playing . I went to sleep at twelve o`clock. It was a lovely day and I would like to repeat it. P.H 8b

Monday, April 10, 2017

I woke up at seven o'clock. When I was awake, I had breakfast. I was so tired even though I’ve slept 10 hours. I went to bathroom and washed my face and teeth after that I dressed up for school. Today I have wear black jeans and white T-shurt . I went to school. When I was walking to school I saw Luka. We shaked hands and we went to school together. In school we have write a lot, so I was tired. Today's day was sunny. My day was good and tired. P.H 8b Patrik, 8.b

24th April 2017

Today I woke up at 6 o`clock. I had breakfast at my grandma and I went to school at 8:00. School started at half past eight. First we had Chemistry where we wrote a test and I think it was not so hard, than we had Slovene where we did some exercises and checked our homework. After that we had Biology where we were learning about how our skin works and why different people have different colours of skin. We learned that we start sweating because the skin is meant to cool down our body and this is how it success. After school I had squash training and when I came home I was very tired, so I wrote blogs and went to sleep. Pika, 8.a

21st April 2017

I didn`t go to school, because I had a tournament in squash. Even though it was here in Slovenia the competition was very good. I played the first match with a girl from Croatia. The last time we played I lost 3:2 in games, but this time I easily beat her 3:0. After that match I had another revenge to make: I was playing against a girl who is also from Slovenia, but we play in different clubs. Again the last time we played she won 2:3 and this time the result was also 3:2, but this time for me. After those matches I came to finale. I was very happy, but also very tired, so I went to bed early. Pika, 8.a

20th April 2017

I woke up at 6 o`clock and dressed, I also brushed my teeth. Then I went to school. We went to a field trip to Kranj. Firs we went to see where the greatest Slovenian poet is buried, then we went to his museum and we heard a lot new things about him. We had a break after we saw the museum and after break we went to home of one of the greatest Slovenian writer. After school went straight home because my friend from Russia came to my house and we went to see Škofja Loka. I took her to eat some pancakes and to the castle to see the view. She liked it very much. We went to sleep at about ten o`clock in the evening. Pika, 8.a

Saturday, 22nd April 2017

Today was a very good day! No school, no work, well sometimes. I woke up at eight o'clock and ate my breakfast. Then I brushed my teeth and I played some Agar.io. Then I went to the football playground and played football for one hour. I had lunch at one o'clock. We ate spaghetti and a salad. After lunch I went to my dad in our new flat. I played Agar.io again when I came home. Then I watched a football match. It was very boring because there were no goals. We had a dinner at seven o'clock. We ate bread and some meat. It was very delicious. After dinner I watched TV untill ten o'clock. Then I used my phone for fun and went sleep. Emin, 8.a

Friday, 21st April 2017

Today was another school day. My first lesson was History. We STILL didn't get our tests back. That's »hillarious«. I was graded and I got a three. I am pretty happy actually. Now I am saved of grading today. Our next lesson was Chemistry. We were learning and talking about compounds. It was pretty cool. Then we had snack and after it we had Maths. We were learning about circles and arc. Then we had Physics. We were talking about pressure and other forces. Well, if you ask me that is tiresome. Then we had two lessons of Ethics. We had a substance about countires and European Union. Then we went home. Emin, 8.a

Thursday, 20th April 2017

Today was an interesting day. We had an excursion. We went to Gorenjska. First we went to Kranj. We were in Prešeren's museum and in Prešeren's grove where he is buried. We learned many new things. We also wrote diaries and paper sheet. Then we went to Doslovče where is Franc Saleški Finžgar's birth house. There we had a snack and we listened to him on radio. We also saw the pictures and other resources. After that we went to Matija Čop's birth house in Žirovnica. We were watching a movie about Gorenjska's heritage. It was very interesting. Then we also saw another exhibition with many things in it. After it we went on our last area or something like that. It was in Vrba where France Prešeren came on the world. We saw the whole house and we heard a mister that told us something about Prešeren and his birth house. It was funny and interesting too. After that we went home asleep. It was a really good day with lots of interesting things and informations. Emin, 8.a

Wednesday, 19th April 2017

Today was another school day. My first lesson was Slovene at Mr. Lipavšek. We were talking about exurcion that is going to be tomorrow. We were also writing in our work books. Then we had English. We were doing exercises in workbook. My next lesson was P.E. We were running 600m for a sport card. It was pretty hard but I am a good sports man. After P.E. we had Maths. Some of us were doing exercises and some of us were fixing grades with a test. Then my last lesson was Biology. We were learning about senses. It was not so funny. I can say that I had a pretty good day. Emin, 8.a

Tuesday, 18th April 2017

Today my day was pretty good but not like yesterday because I had to go in school… My first lesson was Math. We were learning about circles and we were doing exercises. Then we had English. We were talking about tenses. My next lesson was History. We still didn't get our tests from the last week back. I hope for at least three… Or maybe I am too optimistic. Our next lesson was Geography. We were learning about Latin or South America and we were watching a movie about Aztecs, Mayas and Inchs. It was pretty interesting. My last lesson was a Class lesson at Mr. Lipavšek. We had an evacuation for earthquake. Then I went home. I can say that I had a good day. Emin, 8.a

Monday, 17th April 2017

Today I had a nice day. It was an Easter Friday! So there was no school for a whole day! I woke up at eight o'clock. Then I had breakfast and brushed my teeth. I played agar.io for thirty minutes and then at ten o'clock I went to the football playground which is close to my house. I played football there for two hours. My team has won. Then I went home and had lunch at two o'clock. We had a homemade pizza! It was delicious. At three o'clock I met with Nemanja and we went to Medvode's Ice Cream! I had a dinner at seven o'clock. I ate bread and honey. Then I watched TV until eleven o'clock and went sleep. Emin, 8.a

Sunday, April 30, 2017

30th April, 2017

when i woke up i got something to eat and then went to my friends house to listen to some music becouse he was home alone. Then i droped my friend off at the playground, but i was bored there so i went home. In 1 hour we agreed to meetup to play some basketball becouse it was a beautiful day. We played basketball for almost the whole day. Then we wanted to go to a resturant but that one was closed soo we went to another one. When we finished the pizza we went to play some billiards. After all that i went home and fell asleep becouse i was very tired.

D.M  9.b

29th April, 2017

 I woke up at 8 o'clock today beacuse i needed to go to ljubljana with my parents. When i got home at 12 pm i went to the playground with my friends. Because we had nothing to do we decided to go on Šmarna Gora. With our motorcycles we went to the path leading to Šmarna Gora then from there we went by foot. When we got to the top we ordered some food and some drinks, after that we went back down. The rest of the day i spent with my friends playing basketball and in the evening we went to the bonfire. When i got home i looked at the pictures and went to bed.

D.M  9.b

28th April, 2017

Today I woke up at 8:00, because of rain I had to take all the chairs and the table to our gardennbecause the water grow. And then finally stopped raining, and then the day was very beautyful. My friend was home alone and I went to visit him. Then we took his dog for a walk and after we went to play basketball lesson. Then we went to Ljubljana in McDonald’s. Icalled my brother to take us. And when we came back I went home and fall a sleep.

D.M.  9.b

27th April, 2017

Today I woke up at 10:30 because it was raining I stayed at my bed for a little bit longer. And because it stil didn’t stop raining I watched TV and asked my friends what I should do today. We decidet to go to the cinema and we watched film fast and furious 8. When we  went to BTC we were all weat because of rain. First we went to buy tickets, popcorn and drink  and then went to watch film. When the film ended we went to McDonald’s to eat. After that we waited for bus to come and went home, because of rain I stayed at home for the rest of day.

D.M.  9.b

26th April,2017

 It was the first day of the holidays and I slept to 11am. When I woke up I watched tV to 12o’clock, then I had something to eat and went out with friends. First we were driving with our motorbikes, then we played basketball. We were all happy because we had holidays and we didn’t have to go to school. Then we went to garden and talked and listened to music. When it got dark we went home. At home I watched TV and then went to bed because I was so tierd.

D.M.  9.b

25th April,2017

Today I woke up at 6:25, then I ate something and went to school with my dad. First period we had geography, because it was the last day ofschool I didn’t lisent too much and I didn’t remember anythink. I was thinking about what I will do during the holidays. Second periode we had math and we were doing the NPZ tests all hour so we can prepear our self to our NPZ. And then finaly we had snak time. I finished my school at 1pm. At 2pm we had dance practice for valedictory ball, and it was soo boring, and then the holidays come.

D.M.  9.b

25th April, 2017

It was the last day. I woke up at 5 o’clock. My first lesson in school was Geography. It was boring but anyway I was happy. The next lesson was Maths and after Maths was English. Nothing special but anyway I was so happy. After that we had a double period of Art. I was so happy because I love art and anyway I was happy because that was the last day. The last was Biology. It was boring but I was too happy to think about this. And when it was the end of lessons I was happy like never in this year. The May holidays start. I was so happy. And yes that was my whole day in school.

R.C.  9.b

12th April,2017

Today was the worst day. It is Wednesday. I woke up at 5 o’clock. My first lesson in school was French. I forgot that I had to write the test. That’s why I wasn’t prepared. I had a double period of French. After French we had lunch. After lunch was Physics. It was boring. The next lesson was Maths. It was like always. After Maths we had History. History is not boring. The thing is the teacher. I don’t have a good teacher for History. She just read everything … OK. The next lesson was Slovene. I don’t like too much the teacher but he is not the worst teacher. The last lesson was English. It was like always I think but I see now that English is better than last year. And I think that was my whole day in school.

R.C. 9.b

13th April,2017

My first lesson was English. It was boring. The next lesson was Slovene. I don’t like Slovene but it was OK. Next was Physics. And after that was Maths. I was thinking all the time about my grandma. That’s why I wasn’t listening anything. The next and the last lesson was Chemistry. I loved Chemistry last year but this year I just can’t listen to the teacher. I really love the teacher but I just can’t. After Chemistry I was so happy because that was the end of the day in school.

R.C.   9.b

11th April, 2017

I woke up at 5 o’clock. Today is Tuesday. My first lesson in school was Geography. I really hate Geography because it is very boring and I don’t like  the teacher too much. OK. The next lesson was Maths. I like the teacher but Maths was so boring. OK then we had lunch and then we had an English lesson. We were writing the test. I wasn’t prepared for the test. That’s why I got 1. Next was a double period of art. I love art. I helped my friend like always because I’m good in this. Art is for me like free time. That’s why I like it. The last lesson was Biology. Biology is boring but not like Geography. it is normal, nothing special. And that’s my whole day in school.

R.C.  9.b

29th April, 2017

Today it was a very disappointing day. I woke up at 9.00 and ate breakfast. Then we went outside, that is when my mum asked me if I want pizza for lunch. Of course I said NO (just kidding I said YES). So after about two hours I asked her if she called any pizzerias, but she said not yet. I volunteered to call Kocka pizzeria, but they didn’t answer, at that time I was starving, I just wanted a pizza, but NO they just wouldn’t answer. We decided we’re going to go there and order. So we went there and guess what, it wasn’t open (like how could they do that to us?). I called my mum and said that is an emergency and that she has to call another pizzeria. She saved us and after one more hour we went and got our pizzas. Literally this was the best moment today. I still don’t get why would you close the pizzeria and you know that there are so many people wanting their pizza. This was a very emotional day for me, but I survived it. Basically I just wanted to share what I experienced today. Hopefully your day wasn’t that disappointing.

M.L.T  9.b

28th April, 2017

Today it is Klavdija’s birthday and last two days I was working until 2.00 am just to finish the surprise for her. We (me and my cousin) woke up at 8.00 (that is when my alarm clock went off, but we got out of bed at 8.30).We ate breakfast and did the last box for the surprise. Around 10.00 my friends came and my mum drove us to Klavdija’s house. That is where we surprised her. The surprise didn’t go as planned but it went pretty good. I think she was really surprised, then we ate cake and at about 14.00 we went home. We quickly ate lunch and went shopping for my junior prom. We found everything I need, which is only a dress and shoes, but is still took us 5 hours. Today was a really busy day, but I’m happy the surprise went well and that I have a dress and shoes for my junior prom.

M.L.T.  9.b

26th April, 2017

Today it's the first day of holidays and I’m so excited, because today my cousin is coming.  I woke up at 9.00 and I was in a great mood, I was so happy. I made myself breakfast and I watched TV for a little less than an hour. Then I had to clean our whole house, because as I already said my cousin is coming today. I cleaned my room, bathroom, kitchen, basically everywhere. After about two hours I took a break for about 15 minutes, and started cleaning again after those 15 minutes. Then my little brother came home and we played Remi. Then everybody came home and my mum cooked lunch. At 17.30 my cousin said that they are on their way here, but they are going to stop and grab something in Leclerc. That’s when I remembered that I have training at 18.30 and that is when they are going to be here. So while I was on training they came and my cousin was asking everybody where am I. When she found out that I am on training she was disappointed. At 20.15 I came home and she was so happy to finally see me. Thet was my first day of holidays.

M.L.T.   9.b

25th April, 2017

Hi everybody.Today is the day started with rain,in the middle of the day,however,it was also the sun.I woke up at 5.20 o'clock in the morning,because mum starts work at 6.30 and so as every day also today i was at school at 6.10. Time has quickly passed and already started classes.The instruction is held,as every day for breakfast there was bread and cheese spread,for lunch were spaghetti with meat sauce and salad.When it was at the end of classes we were with a friend Izabela estimated History,because the us is on Monday unfortunately ovetaken by the doorbeel.Both we were satisfied with the assessment.Then we have the tutorial for the junior pr which quickly passed because we  were not so lazy,as always.After rehearsals,we were all excited as they began the May holidays.The day was happy but also sad, as i will missed all the friends,but i know that we will see soon again.

M.V.   9.b

24th April, 2017

Today i already woke up very early,since i was in school already a few minutes past six.In the morning i was very nervous,because we are this day wrote a test of Music and with Izabela i should be assessed History,but it was due to bell not pushed until one day ahead.In history and biology we take the new substance in hours of Slovene,we tackle the national tests,at the hour of the Music we wrote a test in sport,we were run the60m.After classes was followed by lunch and that was it for that day in school.When i came at home i did homework.Then slowly went to bed and started to dreaming.

M.V.  9.b

21st April,2017

Hi everyone.Today i already woke up at 5.20in the morning.I went to school at 5.55 in the morning.In geography were evaluated two of the learner then we are going to go with the substance on.In Slovene we have repeated the substance of the previous hours and then we solved the exercises in the workbook.In sport we run 600m,in mathematics we tackle the national tests because after the holidays we will write for really.In chemistry,we wrote the text.For this test i have a good feeling.They were all looking more relaxed and happy,because it is Friday and we have two days free.

M.V.   9.b

20th April, 2017

Hello everbody.Today i felt better,because it's sunny day.I woke up at 5.25 in the morning .I first brush my teeth and brush my hair,then i wearing the clothes and went to school.When i saw Anita in the school i was happy,but at the same time syrprised by what she work in the school already so early asked her and she replied that because of me.I was very happy and grateful that i have around me such good friends.

M.V. 9.b

18th April,2017

Yesterday was easter Monday and we didn't have a classes.During the weekend we with the relatives coloured the eggs,boiled ham and cooked roll such as coconut,walnut and chocolate.On Monday we have for breakfast all this also ate.The easter holidays were always very ctitism,since we are always together with family and create together.i hope it will be so also next year.

M.V. 9.b

30th April, 2017

Today I woke up quite late. Then as usually I took shower. Afterwhile I noticed that my mum wasen't in the house. I got really scared because I didn't know where she u. I started to panic because I relized that only me and my dad are at home. Luckly she was just at shop and she bought us some things for breakfast. When we ate breakfast I solved NPZ test for math and then I went to Skype and I talked to my cousin who BTW visited us with her family yesterday. We talked for abut an hour and then my mum decided that we should go to a »short« walk to Fiesa- which wasen't that short as we fought it was. We walked for abut an hour on a beautiful roat which was surrunded by beautiful nature and seaside. In Fiesa we ate ice -cream and we drank a jouce. On the way back to our apartment we stopped to aquariom whch is in the middle of this small city . It was very funny andd interasting.  We came home at 8 o'clock.this day was very funny and nice.
I.K -9.b

5th April, 2017

Wednesday is to me one of the longest day in the week in addition to monday,this is because i have wednesdays maximum number of hours of instruction and this from 7.40-14.50.This is due to the selection of the items that are French and sport for health.Wednesdays are quickly go away only when we wrote test or evalute oral,pulling and pulling.this day was quickly went,only Slovene has gone a bit more slowly,as he wondered for the assessment and i was nervous to call someone  but it fortunately is not.the last hour was more for relaxation,because we were playing volleyball.

M.V.   9.b

29th April, 2017

It was a sunny morning so my family went to grocery store to buy food for our picnic. On the way to story we met our grandparents so we invited them to our dessert. When we came home, our father stage grill. Me and my sister were cutting a potato so we split the work. Then we have picnic outside and it was really good. After that my mum came from work and I started cooking a dessert. With my other kids we made muffins. Then our grandparents came and it was really fun. My mother was watching a lot of different hairstyles on youtube for my kids prom. So she is starting to knit my hair. In the end it was really pretty and I was happy that I have mom with so much talent. After that we watched some funny movie and than we went to bed. It was funny day and it was sunny weather, after a lot of days that were rainy.
Nina B.   9.b

25th April, 2017

It was the last day before the holidays and we were very happy. First lesson we had Geography and two of students were graded. Then we had Math so we were doing old NPZ´s and it was pretty good. After that we had English and one of us had a presentation about alcoholism and it was really interesting. Then we had two hours of Art and we were starting a new product. After that we had a Biology and we were talking about nature. At last we had a dancing class and it was penultimate class before small prom. I came home at half past four and after a busy day at school I also have a busy training. When a came home at nine o´clock I ate something and I go to bed. I was really happy that I have one week holidays now.
Nina B.    9.b

20th April, 2017

Today I woke up early, because we have cultural day in school.  We went to Celovec, because we had a topic about Slovenians that live behind borders. It was really interesting. We were also informed about Slovenians in second world war and it was really tragic. After that we went to a village named Sveče. There was an opened museum and gallery.  We have also pause in Celovec and we went to McDonald. After that we have seen Prince´s Stone that was original in Gosposvedsko field. We went into a hall that was full of different coats of arms. And in the end we went to lake and it was very cold, however two of my classmates jumped in the water. We came home late but it was really good trip and I hope that we will repeat it soon. When we came home I was really tired of all trips and windy weather so I just went to sleep.
Nina B.  9.b

13th April, 2017

Today I woke up at 7.00 o’clock, because our class is started at 7.40. Yesterday we ended with class with English and today we started it. For English today we wrote mini test and it was quite hard and today we didn’t have any persuasive speech, we were checked our test. After English we had Slovene and one schoolmate was graded. Today’s lunch was pizza and I sure that everyone liked it. After that delicious lunch we had Physics and three of my schoolmates were graded. After Physics we had Math and yesterday Mr. Jamnik said that today he will graded me, but he didn’t have any motivation, so we just did some practice for our “NPZ” (nationally knowledge testing). After Math we wrote one more mini test for Chemistry and I had to say that chemistry mol and this computation are really not easy. But anyway for this week we wrote all tests, so tomorrow we haven’t test and we can be happy.                                                                                                                                                                                              L.P. 9.b

24th April, 2017

It Monday and everyone hate Mondays, because is start of the week
But sometimes you have to like start of something like movie or weekend, aren’t you? Ok this Monday it wasn’t like every Monday, but not because we wrote a test for music, but because it is a last Monday before the spring’s holidays. So our Monday it was started with boring History, our teacher for History was grading. After boring History we had Biology and we got back test, it wasn’t so good grades. Then we had Slovene and we were doing a NPZ (national knowledge test) from last year. After spring’s break, when we come back to school we will write first a NPZ for Slovene. After Slovene we wrote a test for Music and it was easy. And then our class is ended with Sport we were running on 60m and they we could went long jumping. After Sport we went at home and spring’s holidays are close just one Tuesday and then we can say goodbye school for one week.

L.P.   9.b

21st April, 2017

Today is Friday and end of our school week. Our class today started with Geography and my schoolmate had a presentation. After Geography we had a lesson of Slovene and we were talking about Župančič’s poem “Žebljarska” which is talking about the workers in his season.  After Slovene we had Sport and we were running on 600m and we get a really good times for this quite long distance.  Then we have Math and everyone was nervous, because test next lesson. Our Math teacher allowed us to repeat Chemistry, but we had to do at home a NPZ for Math. Then we have Chemistry and we wrote a test, it wasn’t easy. After test we were talking about the test and then we found out what we do wrong, but whatever now is it what is it. After test of Chemistry we had two lessons free and then we had German. For German we were checking our homework. This is how our last Friday before the break is ended. 

L.P.   9.b

28th April, 2017

Today we hat lunch at 13.00 it was very delicius and I like it very much. After lunch I went to my bed because i was very tired. Then  abut 2 hours later my mum gold me that she needs to go to shop to buy some thinks that weren't at home . So I went with her. She bought some cheese and cereals forr tommorow's breakfast . I also convinced my mum to bought me  Nutella because I just love  Nutella. We came home quite early and when we came home my brothers told us that they will go to Koper  .(by bus off course) and that there they will watch Smurfs. I wasent very pleased with that idea because I am a big fan od Smurfs and I wanted to watch that movie too. But I convinced myself that I am too old for that movie and that is good for me not go there because I will save my money. So when my brothers went to Cinema I started to text with my friend. She asked me if I could sent her photos of elegant hairstyles for natural curly hair because her network was slow. Enough abut that so when it was abut 17 o'clock my father come to Piran . And right now we are waiting for my two brothers who are probably still watching Smurfs. When they will come back to Piran we will go to dinner in some resturant or maybe if they will xome back very late, just go to bed and sleep.

I.K.  9.b

Saturday, April 29, 2017

28th April, 2017

Today I woke up at 7.30 am. After that I went to bathroom and I washed my face, took showee, brushed my hair and also my teeth. Later my 2 brothers woke up and with my parents we has brekfast. It wasent that delicius. I didn't eat because it looked descusting. I only drank tea   and some jouce. Then I  went to bed and sleep for while and after that I read a book but not the whole book I only read 10 pages. My parents and my brothers then decided that they will go to Portorož  and that they will come back in abut a hour. So right now I am very bored and I don't know what to do. But luckly I could keep my phone so that I could be on social media and also that I could finish that blog. So when my parents will come back to Piran we will probably explore the city and then we will go to some resturant and eat pizza ….

I.K.  9.b

26th April, 2017

Today I woke up early and went jogging, it was quiet and calm, I really enjoyed it. When I came back I took a shower and got ready for breakfast. If you know me, you I like shopping and what's the better time to do it than on holidays. I came back with a lot of clothes and jewelry. I was happy, but at the same time I was exhausted. I also met a new friend her, name is Katja she's very nice. I found out that I have a lot of work to keep up. I come back on Tuesday so I have to study here. After that Katja and I went for some dinner and had a sleepover.

A.M.   9.b

Thursday, April 27, 2017

27th April, 2017

Today I woke up at 8.00 o'clock and I was very tired because last night I went to bed at 12 o'clock. Why did I go to bed so late? Well because me and my friend went to Cinema last night- we watched  The Fast and the Furious 8 it was very interesting movie. Enough abut movie. So after while me and my family had breakfast- we ate some apples and cornflakes with milk. Then I studied for NPZ , and I didn't like  it very much because NPZ for geography was very hard. Then we went to visit my grandma- when we came to her house she served us some cookies and a tea. Then we talked a little bit abut school and  how my grades are. And I didn't want to talk abut that because  I am not happy with my grades. Then we went back to home and we started to pack because  after the lunch we will go to Piran.  So my day was quite okey .   Especially because there is no stress- because I didn't go to school .                            

I.K   9.b

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday, 19th April 2017

Today I went to school at 8:40 because I didn’t hear an alarm and I fall asleep. I dressed, climb my hair, brushed my hair, pack up my bag and I ate breakfast. I ate bread, Nutella and banana. For first lesson we had Slovene. Then we had English, geography and Math. Our last lesson was physic and then I got 4 for mini test so I was so happy. Then I went home. I went to do my homework for English, Slovene and Math. At 18:00 I had football training. It was really funny.

 Pia K., 8.b

Tuesday, 25th April 2017

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock, I pack up my bag, climb my hair, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and dressed up. Then I went to school with my friend Kaja. For first lesson we had French and I wrote a test and it was very hard. For snack we had Nutella and bread. Then we had Biology, Slovene, Chemically. Our last lesson was Music and we wrote a test it was hard. Then I went home. I went to do my homework. Then I got ready for my football practice. It was really funny.

Pia K., 8.b

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

25th April, 2017 ♡HOLIDAYS♡

Today I woke up at 7.00 and realized that is the last day of school in April. Basically tomorrow is the first day of May break. So I told myself that I will get through today and then relax. Our first hour was Geography (everybody hates it), it was so boring and we were all just super sleepy. Our next hour was Math and we were practicing for the NPZ, that’s all we did. Then we had English and we all though there will be many presentations today, but after all there was only one. After English we had two hour of Art and the first hour the teacher was just talking so it was pretty boring. But the next hour we started to draw a little bit so if was not that boring anymore. Then we had Biology and we weren’t talking about anything interesting, so boring again. Then we went on lunch and at 14.15 we had lessons for junior prom up until 15.50. So I came home at 16.00 and just screamed HOLIDAYS!!!! And now I’m going to go out with friends.  I hope your day was a little less boring then my. And I hope you’ll have great time on the HOLIDAYS!

M.L.T.   9.b

24th April, 2017 ^Surprised, but not in the good way.^

It's Monday, and today  was a very interesting day. I was going to wake up at 7.00, so I woke up at 6.35 and fell back asleep. Then at 7.30 I woke up again and realized that I have to get up. I got up, got ready and went to school. Our first hour was History and the teacher said, that she will grade 6 students, so we were all afraid. Even though she said that she will grade 6 students, she only graded two. Our next hour was Biology and we got our tests back. When we first saw the average of our whole class, we were really surprised, but not in the good way. After we saw that, we were all just afraid of our grades, but they didn’t turned out so bad at all. After Biology we had Slovene and I think everybody, who has teacher Lipavšek, knows that we’re all just a little scared, because with him you never know what will happened.  Then we had Music and we were writing a test. At first I was so scared, but when I got the test I wasn’t so scared anymore. The teacher always says that the test that she will give us is only for 15minutes, so after 30minutes she just takes our tests from us. I really don’t like that, because I think I will have 45 minutes, but then I only have 30. I don’t know, I just don’t like that. After that we had P.E. and it was a lot of running. Then I ate lunch and went home. Today was a stressful day, but I survived.

M.L.T.    9.b
Today we had lessons in mathematics. So I went to school at half past seven. At school was like
every day.
Afternoon I had catechesis.
Later, at six o’clock I had to be in music school. At half past six I had performance. I was nervous.
There was playing Lovro too. In the audience was Jakob too. And I think that I made mistake because
Jakob has laughed to me. And Lovro too, so they were responsible. But it was good that Lovro made
mistake on some other performance too. So I am not the worst accordion player. After performance I
did my homework and went sleep.
Filip, 8.a

Wednesday, 19th April, 2017

Today I woke up at half past five, because my alarm clock went out. I ate my breakfast and do other
things like every morning. I went to school at ten past eight. Teaching was like every Wednesday. We
were running on 600 meters. I was second with time 111 seconds. Peter outpaced me for one
Afternoon I had accordion lesson. Then I went home and at quarter to six I had performance. I was
playing Simfonija v G-duru. I was playing good, just at the end I did mistake.
At the evening I had to do my homework and watched my younger brother. I went to sleep at half
past nine because next day we had school trip.
Filip, 8.a

Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday, 24, April 2017

 Today I woke up to late at 6:30. I had headache, but I ate one pill and then was all O.K. the I was drink one glass tea with strawberry. Then I make my bed and went to school.I went to school by bus.  This day in school wasn’t so interesting. We had English, Slovene, Chemistry, Technical and Biology. Our first hour was Chemistry. We wrote test for Chemistry, but was so easy. Then was snack. For snack was bread, tea and spread. Today school finish at ten minutes to two. Then I took my jacked and went at home by bus. I been waiting for a bus one hour. And then at 3:55 was bus came and I went home.
J. krelj

March 2017

 Today I woke up at 5 o’clock. I make my bed,prepare my school bag, ate breakfast feed my horses and help my mum. I ate for breakfast cacao and eggs with bread.This day in school was very bed, because we wrote deed. I came to school at 7 o’clock. My first school hour was at 7:35.  for snack we ate corn flakes, milk and banana. Then we had Maths, English and Music. At 11:10 we wrote deed. My deed was so long (three side). I wrote story about Povodni Mož. Then was lunch. For lunch was soup, fish potato and water for drink. When was hour ten minutes to two I went at bus station. This day was o.k.


Friday, 21st April, 2017

Today I woke up at thirty past seven. My first lesson was History. We were writing a test. I was very
happy because our teacher allowed us to look in the book for the last two minutes because it helped
me a lot. Then we had Math. Me and two other students were practicing for mathematical
competition. Then we had P.E. I scored two goals and I was very happy. Then we had two hours of
Art and it was very boring because I don’t like Art. Then I went home and went to badminton
training. Tomorrow I will have mathematical competition.
Rok Šantl, 8.b

Saturday, 22nd April, 2017

It was Saturday but I still had to wake up early. I had mathematical competition in our school. We
were writing it for two hours. I was quite good. When I was walking home I met my mother and we
went to the shop. Then we went to Šmarna gora. I ate pancakes there. When I came home I went to
the playground with my neighbors. When I came home I started learning Music. Then I went to the
cinema with my neighbor. We were watching Fast and Furious 8. Then we went to McDonalds and I
got free milk shake.
Rok Šantl, 8.b

Monday, 24th April, 2017

Today I woke up at seven o’clock. I was very nervous because we had test for Music today. My first
lesson was French. At Biology our teacher was grading during the entire lesson. Then we had
Slovene, we were practicing the whole lesson. Then we had P.E. We were throwing ball outside. Then
we played football and I scored one goal. Then we had Chemistry. We got our mini-tests back and I
got five. Our last lesson was Music. We were writing a test. I think I will get five. Then I went home
and played outside with my neighbors. It was a very interesting day.
Rok Šantl, 8.b

Thursday, 20th April, 2017

Today we had a culture day. We were learning about Slovenian poets and writers. First we went to
France Prešeren’s house where he lived for the last three years of his life and to his own cemetery.
Then we went to Doslovče and Žirovnica. It was very cold outside so I was very happy when we cam
back in bus. Our final station was Vrba na Gorenjskem. We were listening to a guide who was very
funny. We saw a lot of old objects from the nineteenth century. Then we went back home. This day
was good but it would be better if we didn’t need to write diaries.
Rok Šantl, 8.b

23rd April, 2017 ●Rainy day●

Yesterday was Sunday.It was bad day because It was raining so I didn't go out all day.I woke up at 10am.I had breakfast.I ate fried eggs.Then I was studying  Music. This week we had only two days school because one day we will have a paper action and we will substitute this day on Wednesday.So then we went to Bled because they gave my mum to try a new car on electricity.We went to a cafe.I wanted to eat a fruit but they didn't have it.So I ate a cake.Then we went to our friends to show which car we got. One friend drove it and he said that this is a good engine.Then we wanted to go in Radovljica because there they had a chocolate festival.We came there but we saw that there were many  people so we went home.At home I didn't do anything special like every other Sunday.

K.S.G.    9.b

Sunday 23. April 2017

Today I woke up at 9:30. Then I ate my breakfast. Then me, my sister and my mom went to grocery. When we came home I went to my room and studied. I needed to study chemistry, math and history. We are going to write a test for chemistry on Monday, I am going to be asked math and history on Tuesday. When I was done with studying I ate lunch. We had chicken and mashed potatoes. It was very good. Then I went to my grandma’s mouse. When I came home I went under the shower. Then I prepared my school bag and went to bed. Today was a usual day.

Petra Jamnik 8.a

Saturday 21. April 2017

Today I woke up at 9:00. Then went to the kitchen and made myself a breakfast. Then in brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then me, my family and my relatives went on a trip. We went on Bled. There we went on ice cream. We had a lot of fun. Then we decided to go in escape room. We were in 2 groups. I was in a group with my sister, my cousins Matej and Maruša. The parents were in other group. We had 2 hours to escape the room. We had a lot of fun. We made it on the time. But parents were slower. We were so happy that we finished first. Then we went on pizza. We went home at 19:00. When I came home I went under the shower. Then I went to bed at 23:30. Today was a very interesting and fun day.

Petra Jamnik 8.a

23rd April, 2107 #In Croatia#

Today I got up very early, cause I was headed to Croatia which I am very excited about. When we got to our hotel the first thing I did was eat lunch and afterwards I took a nap. We traveled for 4 hours so I was tired from traveling. The weather wasn't that good so we spend the rest of the day at our rooms. We went out for dinner and we took a walk at the beach. When we came back I was studying a bit, cause we have national testing when I come back.

A.M.        9.b

21st April, 2017 !Starting my vacation!

Today is the last day before my vacation in Croatia begin. I'm pretty excited because I really need a break, cause I've been studying a lot. I still need to study but a week in Croatia won't hurt. This morning I couldn't even get out of my bed cause I was so tired. We also wrote a Chemistry test today and surprisingly it went pretty well. When I came from school I packed for almost 2 hours so I didn't get much rest really. And besides that my day wasn't that exciting it was just pretty tiring.

A.M.    9.b

20th April, 2017 ¿Jumping in lake?

Today we went on a trip to Austria. I woke up pretty early and I'm sure everyone else did as well. My favorite part of the whole day was when we had some free time to shop. The shopping center was pretty big so we couldn't go to every single shop. The last place that we visited was the lake. Everything was calm until two of my schoolmates jumped in the freezing lake. We came home 17.30 and I was drenched, but I still had to go to my dance class and study for tomorrow so as you may guessed I slept like a baby.

A.M.    9.b

Friday 7.4.2017

I woke up at twenty to seven and brush my teeth and got dress. After all, that I went on bus at ten past eight. At half hast eight is school start I had history it was boring. After that I had snack. Then we had Math we were talk about circle our fourth lesson was P.E. we were doing sport card. Our last lessons were double art. I like it because you don't need to think too much when you paint. It was fun. After school, I went home. At home I ate lunch. It was good. After lunch, I played whit my sister and I were not study because was next day weekend. In the evening, I watched TV and after that went sleep.

Eva R., 8.b

20th April, 2017 *On trip to Austria*

I woke up at 6am,because today we didn't have school but a culture day.We went  to Austria.First we were driving about 1 hour. Then we came to Podljubelj.We saw where the Germans were giving others people in camp.They had to dig a tunnel. We also went to a museum but we didn't go in.We just went around the museum.There were a lot of statues.This man did the statues for  the people who did something for Koroška.Then we went to Celovec. We had a free time.We went to Mcdonald but then we had just a half hour so we didn't buy anything but we were just looking. Then we saw the prince's stone. We went to a room. On the walls there were a lot of coat-of-arms. Then we went to a church.First I thought that this wouldn't be anything special but then a guide said that this was first a normal church but then they recasted the church. Now this is a baroque church.In the end we went to Vrbsko lake.So it was nothing special.Then we went home.At home I had to learn Chemistry because tomorrow we will write a test.
K.S.G   9.b

Tuesday 11.4.2017

Today I woke up at seven o'clock and went on bus. At twenty to eight we had youth workshops we were talk about our life in the future. Next lesson I had German. Third lesson we had Math we were talk about polygons. Next lesson we had Slovene and we were talk about sentence. Our sixth lesson was physics we were talk about forces. The last two lessons we had technique and we were talk about engine. At quarter to two we end with school. We went home. At home I eat lunch and after that I learn for school. In the evening, I watched TV and then went to sleep.

Eva R., 8.b

Monday, 24th April 2017

Today I woke up at seven o'clock.Then I went to school. My First lesson  was French.There we wrote a mini test and it was pretty hard .Than we had Biologyand we were learning about senses again.It was kind of funny lesson. And than we had breakfast.For breakfast we had break and sausage.My Next lesson was English and then PE.At English we had presentation and at PE we were throwing iron ball. Next lesson was ChemistryNext lesson we had Music and we were writting a test. Then I had lunch at school and then I went home. At home i finished my homework and ate my dinner.

Luka H., 8.b

Monday 3.4.2017

 Today I woke up at 5:30. I wash my face, make my bed, dressed and
fed my horses Then I ate breakfast ant went to school.

This day in school was very interesting. My bus was late because on a street was street accident. I ran to school, but I missed my first school our Chemistry. When I came in a school I ran down the stars in the wardrobe I got a very very big headache and starting to spin, because I fell down the stars. I was cray because I cant saw so room was turn around me. Then came Tatjana Šušteršič. She was help me, Tatjana is very kind. Then was call my mum and gave me a tea. I was one hour in she’s office and slept on a chair. Then my mum come and I went in a hospital.

Julija K., 8.a

21. March 2017

I woke up at 5 o’clock. I was feed my animal, make my bed, wash my face and went to school. I was in school at qouter past six.
This day was very beautiful. We went in cinema. Me watch a film <še žal ti bo< this film was very sadly, because I person die.
We came to school at ten minutes to eight. We took our snack and they went to train station. We went in Ljubljana by train. In train was very hot,and I had headache. We drove twenty min. and then we came in Ljubljna. In a station we ate a snack and then we went in cinema. Film finsh at 11o’clock. Then we went in a walk. We were walk four-teen min.
Then we went in a train station and went home. We came in Medvode at two o’clock.

Julija K., 8.a

10. March 2017

Today I woke up at six o’clock. I make my bed and ate breakfast, help my sister and then I went to school.
Today we went with school in Bled. We came to school at eight o’clock. We take our snack and went in a bus. For snack was sandwich and tea. In a bus we can listening a music and play a game. When we came in Bled we ate our snack. Sandwich was very good. Then we went in a ice rink <<ledena dvorana<<we are skating two hour. We have fanny . when was time 11h we went in a walk to lake Bled. Them was very beautiful. We caught ate and photo lake. Then we went to home.

J. Krelj, 8.a

23. march 2017

Today I woke up at 6 o’clock. I wash my face and teeth. Then I ate breakfast. I ate bread, jam and cacao.they I went to school.
 This day in school was very fanny end interesting. I and Petra Jamnik were sentry. I come to school at 7 o’clock. At 8 o’clock we prepare dinning room and open the door. They is Petra help  teacher. She is plant a flowers, then is she swarming a soil and I must cleaners this. When was 11o’clock we went wrote test of Physics. We wrote this mini test twenty min. Test was very easy. Then I and Petra were help cook. We wash desk, and then I drawing and singing, because was very tedium. This day we had for free lunch. For lunch was spaghetti and pie. When I and Petra went at home cook took me a ice cream.

J.Krelj, 8.a

Saturday, 22nd April, 2017

I woke up at 10 o'clock. I dressed up and went for a walk with my dog.  Then I ate breakfast. Later I watched TV. I was home alone. 1 hour later my mom came. At 13.00 we went on chocolate festival in Radovljica. It was fun. We ate a lot of chocolate. Then I went to hairdresser. Later my mom went to cosmetician and I came with her. There one lady did a professional make-up on me. It looked very beautiful. Then we were hungry and we went to the restaurant. We were alone because my father was in Bohinj and my sister in Sweden. Later I made chocolate chip cookies. At 8 o' clock we watched a film. After the film we went to sleep because we were tired.

Eva S., 8.a

Saturday, April 29, 2017

And It's finally weekend.Today I woke up very early because my sisters friend was sleeping in our room and I had to do breakfast.When we were ready we went to Kranj because my sister had handball match.When the match ended we went to shop.And then we went to Poddvor for a walk.We were walking around the lake.When we were hungry we went in restaurant.I ate pizza and It wasn't very good.After lunch we went back home.I did all my homework and I read a book.When I did everything I wanted I watched television.I watch a very sad film and when It ended I went to bed. Z.V.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Wednesday, 19th April, 2017

Today I woke up at half past six. I dressed and brushed my teeth. It was cold outside. First we had German and then English. After we had breakfast and then we had Slovene. We were doing some exercises. At twenty past ten we had Geography. We were learning about Amerika and it was interesting. Our next lesson was Maths. And the last lesson was Physic. We were talking about pressure and doing some exercises. At two o`clock I had my lunch and it was very good. Then I did my homework. At six pm I went to my grandma. Then I went home and ate my dinner.

Klara Jene, 8.b

Monday, 17th April, 2017

Today I woke up at seven am. Then I brushed my teeth and at eight am I went to school where I met my friends. The first lesson was Biology. Then we had breakfast. At half past nine we had Slovene. We were doing some exercises. Then we had P.E. We were playing volleyball. At twenty past eleven we had Chemistry. We were learning about reactions and it was interesting. The last lesson was Music. We were singing songs and talking about Beethoven. Then I went home. I ate my lunch and then I went to my friend. It was very nice day.
Klara Jene, 8.b

Friday, 20th April, 2017

Today I woke up at half past eight. I brushed my teeth and then I went to school. Outside was very cold. Our first lesson was History. It was interesting and we were learning about revolution. Then we had Maths. We were doing some exercises. At quarter past nine we had breakfast and it was very good. Then we had P.E and Art. We were making pizza and it was very fun. Then I went home and I had my lunch, i did my homework and went outside. I was playing with my brother and then I went to my schoolmate. I liked the day.

Klara Jene, 8.b

Saturday,April 23th 2017

Today I woke up at nine o clock.I got dressed and I ate my breakfast.It was very delicius.Then I was studied.I learned Chemistry.Then I was watched TV.We had lunch.At 13.00 we go to a festival of chocolate.I ate a lot of chocolate.It was very delicius.I was there to the 17.00.I came home at 18.00.I ate dinner and watched TV.Then I went to the bathroom.I went to bed.

Nina J., 8.a

Sunday,April 22th 2017

Today I woke up at eight o clock.I get dressed and I ate my breakfast.I ate pancakes It was very delicius.At ten o clock I had dancing.I came home at 12.00.I was studied.I learned about Chemistry,because on Monday we will write a test.Then I had lunch.It was very good.Then I watched TV.I went home.Then I went shopping with my mom.I ate my dinner.Then I went to bed.Today was a really good day.

Nina J., 8.a

Friday,April 21th 2017

Today I woke up at at half past six.I brush teeth and I ate my breakfast.I got dressed and I went to school.The first lesson was History. After this lesson, we had Chemistry.. Then we had Maths. We learned about the area of the circle. Then we had Physics.Then we had two lessons of Ethics. We learned about EU and Slovenia.At 13.00 I went home.THen I had dancing.I came home at half past four.When I went homeI watched TV.I went to my grandma.I ate my dinner and I watched TV.I went to bed.

Nina J., 8.a

Thursday,April 20th 2017

Today I woke up at seven o clock.I went to school at half past seven.We had excursion.WE went to Kranj,Vrba,Doslovče and Žirovnica.When I came to school we went to bus and drove away.At first we went to the house of France Prešeren,Then we went to the Prešernov gaj,where we saw his grave.Then we had to the birth house of Franc Saleški Finžgar.We wnt to birth house of France Prešeren.At 3 o clock we went home.Then I had dancing.I came home at seven o clock.I ate my dinner.Then I went to the bathroom and I went to bed.

Nina J., 8.a

Wednesday,April 19th,2017

Today I woke up at seven o clock.I brush my teeth and I got dressed.Then I ate my breakfast.I went to school at eight o clock.First hour we had Slovene.Then we had English.It was very interesting.Then we had P.E.,Math,biology.At 13.00 I went home on lunch.I came back to school at 14.00.I had multimedia,At 15.00 I came home.I went watching TV.Then I was studying.I ate my dinner and watched TV.Then I went to bed.

Nina J., 8.a

Tuesday,April 18th, 2017

Today I woke up at 8 o clock.I brush teeth and I ate my breakfast.I got dressed and I went to school.My first lesson was Math.We wrote mini test.Then we had English,History and Geography.I came home at 14.00.I have lunch it was very delicius.I did my homework.Then I watched TV.At four o clock I was studying.Then I have dancing.It was really fun.At seven o clock I came home.I ate my dinner and watched TV.Then I went to the bathroom.I went to bed.

Nina J., 8.a

Sunday, 23rd April 2017

Today I woke up very early because my cousin had a confirmation. We had to be at quarter to ten in Grosuplje, but before that we had a lot to do. I went to the kitchen, where I ate with my parents the breakfast. It was good and then I went to the bedroom. I dressed something special, because it was a special day for my cousin. At quarter past nine we drove away from our house and at quarter to ten we were in the church. The bishop came and the mass started. At twelve the ceremony ended and we went to a restaurant near the church. There we had our lunch and then we drove to my cousin’s home, where we were eating a cake and biscuits. They were very good. At seven o’clock we went home. I had to study chemistry, because tomorrow we will write a test. At nine o’clock I watched TV and at eleven o’clock I went sleeping. It was a busy and beautiful day.

Lara A. Oman, 8.a

Wednesday, 19th April 2017

Today is Wednesday and at that day, I usually have to wake up at 8 o'clock but today I had to wake up at 6:30 because I had to duty with my classmate Mirjam. Our job was to come at 7:10, which we did. When we came to school cockers gave us instructions what we need to help them. We prepare dining room for snack and we needed to clean after they ate the snack. The most of time we had to sit and wait until someone needed help or something else. We finished it at 14 o'clock and then we went home.

Tatjana B., 8.b

Tuesday, 11th April 2017

Today I woke up at 8 o'clock. I woke up late so I got ready fast. I just changed my clothes. Then I wash my face and brushed teeth. For breakfast just grabbed a banana because I was in a big rush. After that, I went to school. While I was walking to school I saw my neighbour and he was asking me some questions and he didn't stop talking so I stopped him and said that I am in big rush so I just said goodbye I ran to school. While I was running, my bottle fell out of my schoolbag, it collapsed downstairs, and I had to get it so it took me a lot of time. Finally, when I got the bottle I just grabbed it and ran to school. I was a little late but luckily, my teacher was late too. It was an awful morning, but then all end up well.

Tatjana B., 8.b

Saturday, 22nd April 2017

Today is finally Saturday. I have been waiting for weekend whole week. However, unfortunately today is not the best Saturday because I have to study a lot because we have a Music test on Monday and a lot of other test that are coming. First, I did went outside for a walk with my dog. After that, I went to kitchen and made myself a breakfast. That day I was home alone so I cleaned the whole house. We usually do it together but I was alone that that day so I did it by myself. After cleaning the house, I went outside and there I studied. I studied for couple hours and after it I made myself a lunch and then I watched a film and I had a free time and one of my friends came to my house and we hang out little bit till the dinner time. After my dinner, I watched film to the end because I did not finished it before. Then I fall asleep.

Tatjana B., 8.b

Friday 21. April 2017

Today I woke up at 6:30. I went to the kitchen and made myself a breakfast. Then in brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then my mom drove me to the health center. I needed to go because I had allergic reaction. Then I went to school at 8:30. We had chemistry. It was boring. Then we had math, physics and two lessons of ethics. At physics we learned about force. Then I went home with bus. Then I cooked the lunch for myself. Then I went to my room and did my homework. At 16:30 I had dance class. It needed at 18:00. Then I ate dinner. Then I watched TV. At 23:00 I went to bed.

Petra Jamnik 8.a

Thursday, 20. April 2017

Today me and my friend Eva woke up at 6:50. We went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. Then we walked her dog. At 7.45 we went to school. Today we had culture day. We went with bus to Kranj , Žirovnica, Vrba and Doslovče. First we went to the grave of France Prešeren and his house. Then we went to the birth house of Franc Saleški Finžgar. In the house we listened to a short clip of Frances life. Then we went to the birth house of Matija Čop. Our last spot was the birth house of France Prešeren. The house was pretty. The furniture was different and there were some objects that I didn’t recognize. At 15:00 we came home. Then I prepared for dance class. At 17:30 the dance class started. Today the class was hard. At 19:00 the class ended. At 22:00 I went to bed because I was very tired.

 Petra Jamnik 8.a

Wednesday, 19. April 2017

Today I woke up at 6:30. I was very tired. I didn’t ate breakfast today. Then I went to bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I ran to the bus station because I was late. I almost missed the bus. The school started at 7:40. First lesson was german. It was boring. Then we had English, Slovene, P.E, math and biology. We ran 600m at P.E class. I was very tired after the class. At biology class we learned about the structure of the eye. It was very interesting. After school I went to Eva’s house. We ate pizza. It was very good because we did it ourselves. Then I went home because Eva had music performance. At 18:00 I went back to Eva’s house and we had a sleepover because the next day we had culture day. We played Xbox and ate pancakes. We were having a lot of fun. Then we went to bed. We watched videos on our phones. Then the Wi-Fi stopped working. We didn’t know what to do. We started to play cards on the bed. It was very fun and weird. We went to sleep very late.

Petra Jamnik 8.a

Tuesday, 18. April 2017

Today I woke up at 7:30. I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and face. Then I went in kitchen and ate breakfast. Then I went to my room and there I dressed myself. At 7:10 I went on bus station. With bus I went to school. School started at 8:30. First lesson was German. We were learning how to tell in german when is your birthday. Then we had math, slovene, history and geography. Today Slovene was very baring. At 14.15 I came home. Then I cook lunch for myself. At 17:30 I had dance class. We were finishing our formation. At 19:00 the dance class was over. Then I went home and then shower. Then I went to my room and study. At 23:00 I went to bed.

Petra Jamnik 8.a