Saturday, May 6, 2017


I woke up at 7 o’clock. Today I came to school at 7.40. We had an excursion. We went to Kranj first.
We saw France Prešeren’s house. Then we went to Doslovče where we saw birth house of Fran
Saleški Finžgar. We were listening his voice on the radio. Then we went to Žirovnica where we saw
birth house of Matija Čop. We watched a movie about him and our cultural heritage. Then we went to
Vrba and we saw Prešeren’s birth house. We saw the house and we learned how life was in his times.
The weather was cold and cloudy but it was a nice excursion. Today is a last day before I go to Sicily.
Zala, 8.b

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