Tuesday, May 2, 2017


STORY about little girl. Little girl JOLLY was very beautiful girl. She had long brown hair and blue eyes. She was always wore a long pink dress with butterfly and she loved animals(horse, cat and dog). When she had 4 years, she wanted a dog and horse, but her mother hated animals. Jolly rely loved animals, because she was crying all days because she hadn’t animals. One day was her mother told her > Jolly why are you crying all time?????> and Jolly told < because I want to animals, so I really love them<. when her mother heard this she was so sadly, because she hated animals and therefore must to suffer her daughter. Mother was very sadly, therefore was she told < I buy horse, dog and cat for my beautiful daughter ever if hate animals< Next day was Jolly’s birthday. Mother was brought present for Jolly.Jolly was convinced that will got clothes or candy, but when she seen horse, dog and cat was very very very very happy. She was crying from happiness. Next day named all her new animal. Horse got name Spirit, dog got name Diego and cat got name Bella. She was the happiest girl on world, but her dog Diego was so sick and he must went in a vet ambulance . In ambulance was vet said < dear Jolly your dog Diego is very sick. He will die, because he is poisoned.< when Jolly heard this began to cry. She was hugging Diego and said < My Diego stay with me and don’t leave me.< Next day when was Jolly and Jolly’s mother come into the hospital to Diego was dog very good. Then come vet and said < Diego is healthy,, the magic helped<. ever body was very very happy and smiling. At 12:15 o’clock they come at home, and time was for lunch. For lunch they ate potato, steak and ice cream. Then she went rode her horse Spirit. She was rode two hour but then was came in forest- Black Forest, and in this forest is Monster. This monster is in this forest 1000 years and people say that eat all living being, but Jolly wasn’t know this... she want in a forest. Forest was very spooky and dark.she walked very slowly and quietly and then she heard terrible sounds. She stooped and started crying, because she was afraid, but time for crying wasn’t because Monster came. Jolly don’t know what to do. She jumped on the horse and quickly ran outside from the forest, but she was to late,so Monster is too so fast, because it caught Jolly and Spirit. Then was Monster killed Spirit, Jolly had broken leg, but when she saw that a Monster killed the horse, she quickly ran to him and started cry. The Monster was grabbed Spirit and then he ate it :( Jolly was so so sadly. She creamed. Then Jolly from sorrow died. Jolly’s mother is too today die, she died because she had broken heart, but dog Diego and cat Bella are living on a farm in ZDA . From this story was been 100 years, but people say that Monster too today eat boons of Spirit. JULIJA KRELJ 8.A 2. SKUPINA

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