Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Thursday, 20th April 2017

Today was an interesting day. We had an excursion. We went to Gorenjska. First we went to Kranj. We were in Prešeren's museum and in Prešeren's grove where he is buried. We learned many new things. We also wrote diaries and paper sheet. Then we went to Doslovče where is Franc Saleški Finžgar's birth house. There we had a snack and we listened to him on radio. We also saw the pictures and other resources. After that we went to Matija Čop's birth house in Žirovnica. We were watching a movie about Gorenjska's heritage. It was very interesting. Then we also saw another exhibition with many things in it. After it we went on our last area or something like that. It was in Vrba where France Prešeren came on the world. We saw the whole house and we heard a mister that told us something about Prešeren and his birth house. It was funny and interesting too. After that we went home asleep. It was a really good day with lots of interesting things and informations. Emin, 8.a

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