Monday, December 21, 2015

Thursady, December 17, 2015, class 9/II

At English class we are talking about food. Next month we are going to have a presentation about healthy food and drinks. I decided to talk about drinks. Because we don’t realize how much sugar do we get with drinks? Cola, energy drinks, sport drinks, coca cola, Pepsi, are one of the healthiest drinks. While I was reading articles about drinks, I found some interesting facts like:

 - did you now that sports drinks are having 40 lumps of sugar ?
and that
- in cola there are 16 packs of a sugar.

Now you will really have to think before you drink these sweet drinks, won't you?

Friday, December 18, 2015, class 7b

Today I went to school at 7.35. First we had two periods of Science and than we ate snack.  After it we had PE. We were graded dance. Then we had Geography and it was a bit boring. Next was Maths and then English. We watched Charlie Chaplin`s videos. They are really funny.  For the last period we had History. We studied about the ancient Greece. We finished all our lessons and then I went home. It was a long day.

Monday, December 21, 2015, class 7b

Today I have birthday. My gift was taekwondo bag, 2 pullovers, jeans, belt and T-shirt and I was very happy. I had the presentation for ethics. It's very shamefully. I don't like presentation. Then we had natural science. We see 1 experiment how to get distilled water. Then we go home. Now I am writing this blog.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015, class 8b

Today I woke up at 6.30 in the morning. I was still sleepy. Our first class was German and L.M. was graded. Also today we had substituting a Chemistry. As a result, tomorrow we do not have last hour. This week we have a lot of school work. However, the New year holidays are very close. For last leson we had a Youth wokrshop, it wasn't nothing special, and that was my school day today.

Friday, December 11, 2015, class 7b

I woke up at 7.00.I started at 7.40.First two hours we have Nature.Then we have P.E. we was dancing.Then we have a Geography after Geography we have Math after Math we have English.After English we have History and got our test back.Then I was having lunch.After lunch me and my friend was going home.

Friday, December 11, 2015, class 8b

Today I went to school at 7:20 p.m., because I had first hour P.E. and we learned to dance the Vienna Waltz and the Cha - Cha, define the we also who will be with who they danced. For breakfast we have cheese bread and strawberry yoghurt. In the hours of Slovene we rescued a learning journal from which we have learned many lessons. For Technology we have until the end of the produce votive and back to get the tests. We wrote the tests very good, they were themselves fives and a few fours. But when it was the end of school we with my school-friends have a little quarrel, but it was after a few hours all OK. This day it was great, because it was Friday.

Friday, December 11, 2015, class 9/I

I started my school day with Math class and two people were graded. Next period was English. We were mixed with the sixth graders, because their teacher was absent. Speaking of absent, a lot of boys weren't at school because of the volleyball competition in Pirniče. In English class we checked our homework and talked about food. After our snack we had Biology. We got our tests back and the teacher said we did great. A lot of my classmates were happy about their grades, so was I. But a few got a negative grade and I hope they're going to study harder and get better grades in the future. The teacher gave us some free time to study or chit-chat with each other. Then we had Physics. We did some excerises, because we're going to write a test next week. After Physics we had Slovene, one of my favourite subjects. Then we had lunch, went home and did our usual Friday activities.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015, class 7b

I wake up at seven o’clock. I wash my face and then I dress. I prepare my school bag. After I eat my breakfast I go to school by foot. We start the day at half past eight with workshop. We work in small groups. We talk about violence. We talk what violence means for us and what colour we think it is. Then we have breakfast in our classes. After it we have Slovene breakfast in school canteen. Then we continue with workshop. We need to write a story about violence. When the workshop ends we watch a play: the troubles of teenager Hana. After the play we talk with our teacher about the play. Because we talk with our teacher about violence the day before, our last hour was Slovene. I am very tired at the end of the school day. I walk home slowly. When I come home I take my violin and hurry to music school. After violin I go to ballet class. I come home at half past six p.m. and I have dinner with my family. I am tired but happy, because the school week is over.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015 Class 7a

WATER TOWN Atlantis On Monday 23th November, me and my class went to a water town Atlantis. We were at a school at half past eight. In the athletics hall we had forty-five minutes games. We played tennis, volleyball, table tennis, basket ball and we were playing by gymnastic strip. Later we had school lunch. We had herring and chocolate milk. After that we went on the bus station and then went to Atlantis. We arrived after twenty minutes. There we got entrance bracelet for all the swimming pool. We were in the pool two hours. In this time were playing water polo, water volleyball, went in a water slide and went to the sauna. We came back to school after one hour. I enjoyed this day. I was happy. JULIJA KRELJ 7.A

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015, class 8b

On Friday we had the first lesson P.E and the teacher estimated for volley-ball.The next lesson we had history and we got a test.The third lesson we had Slovene and we checked the homework.It was OK.At the English lesson we started a new unit we talked about eartquakes.The last lesson we had Technique and Technology and we wrote a unannounced test.It was terrifying.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Monday, November 30, 2015, class 7b

Today is Monday and today I got up at seven o’clock. I went on bus at ten past eight.  I started school at half past eight. First we had history. This lesson we wrote a test. Next lessen we had English. At fifty-two past ten we had Slovenian lesson. But today was our teacher for Slovenian absent so we had replacement. After Slovenia we had double lesson art. At this lesson we painted love. After art we had science. At this lesson we got tests back. At five past two I had choir. At three o’clock I went home by bus.

Thursday, November 26, 2015, class 7b

Today I woke up . Next I made my bed.Like always, I had  breakfast. I had cereal. It was pretty good. I got dressed and all of that stuff and then went to school at We should have had geography but instad we made Christmas cards. Then, we had our homeroom lesson and most of the time we played video games. We had a really good snack. We also had music, math, Slovene and English. Lunch was great. Then I went home with my friend Maja. When I came home I did my homewoork. It was great because I didn't have a lot of it.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, November 30, 2015, class 7b

This morning I woke up at 7:30. I went downstairs and prepared breakfast. I went to school by car. I came to school at 8:15 and went to my wardrope. After this I went to History class and sat down on the chair. This morning we wrote the test. Next class lesson was English. At the English lesson wrote minitests. Next lesson was Slovene. At the slovene we wrote the list of paper for Exercise.
After slovene we had block lesson of Art. We are going to do picture of Love. After Art we hade Sciense. At Sciense teacher gave tests back. After
Sciense I weint home. After school a I had training at 16:00. I came home at 17:30. When I came home I played video games. This day was awseome.

Wefnesday, November 25, 2015, class 7b

Today it is 25th of November. It was cold and  cloudy. I don’t like this weather. Today it’s Wednesday and today we had Germany, Technology, Slovene, Math and English. First lesson was double Germany and was a lot of fun.  Then we had a morning snack and five more lessons. When we finished, I had lunch and then I went home. Then I was playing with my cat and now I am writing a blog and  I’m going to play with my cat , write my homework and study.  I am going to write homework and play with my cat.

Wednesday, November 16, 2015, class 7b

Today, my class started at half past eight, so like usually I got up at seven o'clock. My first lessons was Slovene, then English and  we had two lessons of Tehnology.  My classes finished five to one.
After my school I went to the School Choir. There we are having so much fun beacuse we are learning some new Christmas songs. So it was real fun.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015, class 7b

Today is Thursday. We didn't have Sport for relaxation today because
our teacher wasn't in school. Then I had French. Because the teacher for P.E. was absent, we had other teacher. We played football the whole hour. Then I had three more lessons. Then I have lunch and then I went back home.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015, class 7b

Good day!
I get up at six o´clock on Saturdays. I usually eat bread with cheese. Then I go to school on foot. I have Technology, Match, English,  Slovenian language and period hour of German, today. I am so happy, because I get five at English test.  I am going to visit Red cross of Slovenia. We are going to have a lessons of first aid there. Then I am going to visit a pet shop and buy an medical for my cat. I am also going to bay an weather plant for my brother. Then I am going to go home.

Thursday, November 19, 2015, class 8b

So today is a Thursday and my first lesson was Sport for health, which is a choosen subject. My second hour was English and we start a new unit which is people in actions. Then we had Math, and our first 20 minutes were class hour. We got a lot of homework. Then we had Art and we were making Christmas cards. We had two hours of Art. Then we wrote History test. For someone was easy, and for someone was difficult. But if you learned, then it was easy. After History was Slovene and we had wall newspaper. Then we had lunch and went home.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015, class 8b

Today I woke up at 6 o'clock.It was cloudy and cold.I went in school at 7;20in the morning.I came by bus.The first lesson was PE.It was horrible.Because that was PE.The next lesson was history that was very boring.After history we had a lunch.But after lunch we had a slovenian, and that was very ,very boring.After slovenian we had a english lesson. That was just  my anothey english lesson.I don't understood anything like always.Thats horrible but thats true.After english lesson we had two lessons technigue.After that lessons we had a dinner and after dinner we went home.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015, class 7b

Hi I`m Jakob and  today  I`m very happy becous is Friday and is last day before the weekend . We had a double period of scienc,sport,geography,maths and than english.We didn`t have so much homework. We didn`t write any test and I wasn`t  graded.We had history too . Tomorow I`m going to have a lunch whit my grandfather and grandmother. That`s all for todays blog.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015, class 7b

Today is 11th of November. It is sunny. The weather is really good. Today is Wednesday and we had Slovene, two hours of Tehnology, English and Maths. It is not such a good day. I came after snack. First hour we had Slovene. Then we had two hours of Tehnology. And after Tehnology we had English and Maths. We didn`t write any tests and that is good. Then I went home and had lunch at home. After lunch I did my homework. Then I had hour of euphony lesson. Now it is evening and I am writing this blog. I am going to have dinner now.

Monday, November 9, 2015, class 7b

Today I went to school at 8:25. First period we had History. We were talking about  Phoenicians. Then we had snack. It was very good. We had a yoghurt and a bagel with poppy seeds. Then we had English.
We wrote mock test like teacher says. Then we were in library because Mr. Lipavšek wasn`t in school. We were writing a story about different heroes. Then we had Art. We were making pictures about love and Haloween. Last period we had Science. It was very very cool. Mr. Špenko was showing us experiments. It was interesting and exciting. I had so much fun today.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015, class 7b

Today is Thursday. I am very happy, beacuse it is sunny. But i can`t play football beacuse my hand is broken. In school we had geography, class hour, music, maths, slovene and english. First hour we had geography, then we had class hour. After these two hours we had snack. We didn`t wrote any test or mini test. I wasn`t graded. That is very good beacuse I have more time to learn today. After english I went home. Then I had lunch. I couldn`t wrote my homework, beacuse like I said I have broken arm. Now I am at home and I am writing this
blog. I wish you a very sunny afternoon.

Wednesady, November 4, 2015, class 7b

Today it is 4th of November. I wake up at 7:00 am. I eat breakfast. I wear a jeans, shirt and sweaters. I get up in school at 9:00 am. Today is Wednesday and we had Slovene, Technology, English and Maths. It is sun and warm. For snack we had a milk rice and cocoa. After school I dress up and go to home. I had eat lunch, play computer game and done my homework. Now I am writing this blog.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3, 2015, class 7b

Today is 3rd of November. It is sunny. I realy like this weather. Today is Tuesday and we had Sport for release, France, PE, slovene and maths. That is my favourite day. First hour we had Sport for release and then we had one hour of France. Second hour of France we had sixth Hour. After second hour we had morning snack. After snack we had PE. We played voleyball. And fifth hour we wrote maths mini-test. After second hour of France I went home. I had lunch at home. After lunch I did my homework. And now I am writing this blog. Then I am going to go out, beacuse it is wery nice weather.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015, class 7b

Today it is 19th  of  October.  It is cold, cloudy and rainy. I don’t like

this weather. Today it’s Monday and we had History, English, Slovene,

Art and Science. First lesson was History but the wasn’t  in the school.

Then we had a morning  snack  and  then five more lessons. When we

finished,  I had a lunch and then I went  home.  Right now I am writing

a blog . My brother is still in the school and my parents are working.

Now I’m going to write a homework and play with my cat.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015, class 9/I

Today, I woke up earlier and studied chemistry, because we are going to write a mini test. At 7.40 I went to school. First we have math then biology, chemistry, English, P.I and Slovenian.  After all the classes I went to the walk with my dog Charlie. After a walk I went to my neighbor and tell her all things that we were doing at school.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015, class 7b

I woke up at 7:00. I ate breakfast,got dressed and washes my face. Our first lesson was slovene. I went to school at 8:10.I had writing a test at slovene. It was very interesting.For breakfast we had a bread and cheese. Our next lesson had been a technology. Then we had three more lessons.When we finished I had go home with Egzon.Home I had watched TV and done my homework. Right now I'm doing this blog. Thats all about today. BYE

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015, class 7b

Today I went to school at 7.40 in the morning.We' ve got two hours of Biology,P.E.,Geography,Maths and English.For morning snack we haved a bread and cocoa.For launch we haved a sausage and potato.After launch I dressed up and go home.Now I am writing this.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015, class 9/I

Today was a very interesting day, because all of students that attend Manners of Nourishment went to the restaurant Vila Podvin. We started school as usual, but left after 20 minutes of Art. We firts ate a snack and then a bus took us to Podvin. When we came our host welcomed us and told us a bit about the restaurant. Then we started cooking. I and my friends took over dessert. We prepared caramelized apples in strudel dough with fruit salat. Others made vegetable soup, risotto with button mushrooms and chicken with crispy herbal crust with mashed potatoes. When everything was ready we sat down at the table and prepared settings. Then waiters served us all the dishes. They were very tasty, especially the dessert. When we finished eating the bus took us back to school. We came back around 13:45. I really enjoyed cooking, and even more eating.

Thursday, October 16, 2015, class 7b

This morning I get up at 7: 00.For breakfast I has čokolešnik.In school I came točno.First lessesons we have geografijo.Next lessesons is odpadla.For lunch we have pasta and sauce.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thursday, October 13, 2015, class 8b

Today was just another day in school. Some of us have to get to school earlier, because we had German lesson. Today was in our class only one boy and thirteen girls. Because of five boys, two were absent and the other two were on school duty. At Maths we write a mini test.After the break we had a Chemistry. There was first girl in our class graded. Because teacher for physics was not at school we had substituting a physics class. And the last class was English. There we talk about our new project a Video talking and our next mini and big test. So this was our today day in school.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015, class 7b

Just anather boring day!

It is 7th October 2015 today. It si windy , cloudy and sometimes it is rainy. It is cold. I hate that weather. On Wednesdays  I have  maths, english, tehnology, slovene and germany at school.  Today
we  write a miny maths test . Tomorow  is school  dence for students  from 7, 8, 9 class from six  to
nine  a qclock. Tommorow is a school  orienteering competition, too. Today it is boring beacuse I
have nothing to do, exsept this homework. Today nobady  can`t be outside. Right now I am writting
this homework, my brother is looking TV and my parents are working.

Monday, October 12, 2015, class 7b

Today I didn't have to get up very early because my first lesson started at 8.30. I woke up at 7.30, ate breakfast, dressed and brushed my teeth. I went to school at 8.05. My first lesson was History. It was interesting. Then we had our morning snack. We had five more lessons. When we finished, I had lunch and then I went home with my friends.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015, class 8b

Today I went in school at 7.40 in the morning. I feel good because we have lesson up until one in the afternoon , because we have changed timetables. For breakfast it was fishes spread on the bread and ice - tea. In P.E. we played football and it was great and fun. Day was wonderful, thanks to weather. 

Friday, October 2, 2015, class 9/II

I woke up at 6. 30 in the morning. I dressed up and ate breakfast. At 7.25 my mom drove me to school. School started at 7.40. We' ve got Maths, Slovene, Art, English, History and Biology. School ended at 13.45, then I waited till 15.00.  At that time I went to tenis playground where I had training. When training ended, dad drove me home. I saw my friends playing football so I went to the football playground and played football, too. Then I went home and wrote this.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Thursday, October 1, 2015, class 9/II

Todays first lesson was with our class teacher Andrej Flajnik. We talked about  dinner after our Prom in June and other things about our class and  grades. Second lesson was Geography with Miss
Kržišnik. We were learning about different types of villages in Slovenia. She gave use a date of our first exam ( 19.10.2015). For the third lesson we had English,where we wrote our first mini exam of
this year and i was picked for writing this blog. We start a new unit, Christopher Columbus. Our next lesson was Slovene,where we talked about Slovenian poetry. Our last hour was Chemistry. We learned about Alkins and Alkens and after that she told use how many points did we get on our written exam.

Thursday, October 1, 2105, class 9/I

Today I woke up at 7:00 am. I ate breakfast and than I went to school. The first three hours passed by as usual, but then we had English or Slovene (It depends on which group you are in). I am in a first group, so I had Slovene. Then I had  English lesson and I was so nervous because we wrote a mini test. In the end the test was not so hard as  thought it would be. Last hour I had Chemistry. We got back our mini tests and results weren't very good, but not really bad either . After class I had lunch and went home.

Thursday, October 1, 2015, class 7b

I wake up at 7:00.I go to the kitchen and made my breakfast.When I eat my breakfast I go to the bathroom and wash my teeth and face.I put close on and go to school.The first sciece is geography then is class hour.The class hour is very boring sience.Geography is good sience.Then we have math I like maths beacuse its very funny!And the slovenie its alsso good.And last hour is english we are write the mini test,I have good filling about it I hope the ticher will give me four or three.When we finish the school i go home.

Thursday, October 1, 2015, class 8b

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock. It was cloudy and cold. I went in school at 8.10 in the morning. Our first school subject was English we were talk about reflexive pronouns. Next lesson we had Maths. Than we had two hours of "DKE" and we were talk about our municipality. Than we had History and teacher gave us a paper for revision of last year. Last lesson we had Slovene, Today Izabela and Manca had oral performance. For lunch was some rice and steak. I hope you enjoy in reading my blog.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015, class 7b

My day in school

Today I wake up at 6:30. I go to the kitchen. In kitchen I eat breakfast and go on bus station. At 7:20 I come to school. Today is German cancelled.  At 9:35 we have Slovene. Next lesson we have
Engineering and technology. In this lesson we have two groups. One group is in computer classroom. I am in second group and we are in school library. At 12:10 we have English and I like it. And last
lesson today in maths. I lake it very much.  I go home at 15:00 with bus. At home I make homework.
At the evening I eat dinner. After diner I every evening watch TV. And at half past nine I go sleep.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015, class 9/II

I woke up at 6.30. Then i went to wash my teeth and face.At 7 o'clock i went to school.It was cold and sunny day.Today i have school 7 hours.The forth hour we had English.In hours of English we could first write a diary.Then teacher starting grading.Next hour we had sports.After hours sport we had Slovene and then we went home.I hope you enjoy reading my blog.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015, class 8b

I woke up at 7:30 o`clock.It was sunny.Then I want to feed my parrot and made a breakfast.At 8:00 I went to school.Today I have in school 5 hours. One of them is english class. First we write the english diary and then we do the test of 7 class.I hope you enjoy in reading my blog.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015, class 9/II

I woke up at 6:40, it was dark and I was really sleepy.
Then, I made a brekfast  (I am just drunk milk) Then I went on the bus at 7:10.
We got Math, English, Biology, Physics, Slovene and the last hour was Chemistry.
When it was over I was really happy because I know we got 2 days without school. The best part of the day was after school because I played videogames.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015, class 9/I

Today, our day started with another lesson of Maths. We tried to solve equations and things like that. Then, we had Geography, where we talked about settlements in Slovenia. It was quite interesting. Afterwards we had Physics, where we got tons of homework. Next class - Slovene - we learned many things about Brižinski spomeniki, the 1st notations in Slovenian language. Sometimes (when you read or listen to them), you're quite surprised how the old Slovene sounds like! At P.E., we played football or basketball and during English, our teacher graded our knowledge of tenses. Some students were really nervous. And then, the classes finished. We ate lunch at 12.55. I went home twenty minutes later… And now, I'll have to do all the homework. I don’t like it much… L

Monday, September 28, 2015, class 7b

Today l woke up at 7.15. I go to the bathroom. I put clothes up. Then i go to school. First hour we haved History. It wasn't very interesting… Then we haved
English lesson. It was good. We check the homework.  Then we haved Slovene.
Then we haved two hours lesson of Ethics. Then we haved Science. Then i go to
the lunch in the school. Then i go home.

Thursday, September 24, 2015, class 8b

I woke up at 7 o'clock. It was raining. Then i went to to a toilet and clean my face and made a breakfast. At 7.30 i went to school. I took an umbrella. On Thursday i have in school 7 hours. One of them is englisch class. I will write about that. First teacher checked us, if someone is missing. Then we started to write an englisch diary. We must write it every day. This day the teacher teach us about riddles and absurd riddles. We got some exemples and we must mach it. That was all what we had on english  class.Enjoy in reading my blog.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015, class 8b

Today we started school at 8.30.Our first lesson was Math. It was interesting until, teacher gave us a lot of homework. Then we have Biology and we talking about scientist. After that we have English lesson. First five minutes we wrote our diary, and then we talking about shopping. It was quite interesting. Then we have Geography and Chemistry. Geography was boring, but Chemistry was very
funny. For the last lesson we have Slovene. We were already tired and hungry. But we learned something so it was worth. After that we went to lunch and it was very tasty. And then I went home. It was a beautiful, sunny day.

Nina B. 8.b

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015, class 7b

I woke up at 6.30 am; it was a struggle to get out of bed because it was still dark. Then, I made myself some breakfast (cereal).Yum! After getting ready, I went to school in the rain. I started school at 8.30 am. We usually have homeroom class but it was cancelled. We had geography instead. We also had Music, Math, Slovene and English. The best part of the day was after school because I played tennis (but English was also fun).

See you later!

Tuesday, September 22, 2105, calss 8

Hello. Today we started school at 8:30. First we had Slovene lesson and then Math. We got our mini tests back,the test wasn't that hard and the grades were ok. We also had Physics and of course English. Some already went home but a few had Art lessons from 13:00 to 14:55.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today we start school at 9.15. Our first school subject is slovenian. Teacher ask two students for evaluation, because they do not have homework. Then we have two hours of tehnology, english  we get english tests back. We need to do a corraction. Too much homework for english. But now is maths and here we get a lot of homework, because we are very chatty.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesaday, September 22, 2015, class 9/II

Hi, today we started the school at 7:40. We had Math. We were writing a mini test yesterday, so today we got it back. I've got an A and I was really happy, because of that. Then we had Biology, we were talking about cells. Two schoolmates have been graded and they both got an A. After that class we had Chemistry, English and P.E. At the gym we should run on 600m, but teacher decided that we will run tomorrow, so today we were playing hockey. Mine last class was Geography, we wrote a report about the school trip on which we were last Friday. This report will be 20 percent of our grade. At the end of the day I was very happy that I can finally go home. That was my Tuesday, I hope you enjoyed yours!

Thursday, September 17, 2015, class 8b

Hello.Today i went to school at 7.20 in the morning.I feel all right,because we first had optional subject: Sport for Health.For the first time we played football.Today's lesson was simple,because we just repeat the previous substance.It was beautiful sunny day at the same time.

Thursday, September 17, 2015, class 9/I

It was funny and happy day, full of talking about next very expected day-when will higher classes go to excursions around Slovenia. We, nineth graders will go to Prlekija and I hope we will have a lot of fun and get new knowledge about those places(and we will swim in pools). It will be our longer excursion in basic school. Today, in school was nothing special, at the lessons we were taking a new stuff and talk about next grades in this year, some things were borring as allways and some were interesting(not for everyone same!).

Monday, September 21, 2015, class 8b

It's Monday and i woke up at 8.20. then i ate breakfast and went to school. Our first lesson was P.E. Girls  ran 60 meters, boys were doing something else. Then we had Geography and there we didn't had any homework, but Math teacher gave us a little homework. After Math we had English and first we played a game then we were learning some things. Then we went on lunch. At 14.05 we should had German, but the teacher was sick so we didn't had it. Then i went home.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015, class 9/I

This morning we had Maths. We revised everything we already knew, and then we got some exercises to do at home. I didn't go to English class, because I had to go to my orthodontist in
Ljubljana. My orthodontist took my braces off. I was really excited and happy about it. It also
made my teeth look very big. Then I came back to school. We had Physics and we started to
write a report about velocity and acceleration. We have to hand in our report on Tuesday.
After Physics we had Slovene. We read a folk prose Desetnica. Then we had lunch at 12.05,
but I had to wait until 14.05 for Manners of Nourishment. I went home at 14.50. Happy weekend!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015, class 7b

Today I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning. We had an excursion today. I make breakfast.Then I brush my teeth. I went to school at 6.30. I was a little bit late. We went with bus to visit town "Ajdovščina". It is beautiful town. Then we want to see gallery. After the gallery we visit "Izvir hublja", "Otliško okno", "Kamnito spiralo" and "Sinji vrh". At 1 o'clock we had lunch time. We all eat sendwich. We all were tired, so we hardly wait to come home. On the bus we were having fun. We joke and smile a lot. We returned at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.  

Thursday, September 17, 2015, class 9

hey! Today I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. I ate my  breakfast and went to school. At school I was until 12:05 . When I came home I ate lunch and go to training in Ljubljana. I had training from 14:00 to 17:00. When I came out of training, I did homework and wrote a Blog for English. And now Im going to prepare school and sport bag for next day. Have a great day!

Thursday, September 17, 2015, class 7b

Today I went to school at 7:35. First lesson was a class period with our class teacher. Then we had geography. We talked about people who live in Europe. After geography we had snack. Then we had
music. It was fun. Next hour was math. We get a lot of homework. Then we had Slovene. We get a lot
of homework here too. Last subject was English and we get a homework here too. After that I went

So I can say it was a great day with a lot of homework.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015, class 7b

When i wake up i am usually very sleepy beacuse i need to get up very early. This is my  biggest problem in the morning. But when i finnaly get up i prepared for school. But usually i prepared my
outfit the night before beacuse i am usually late in the morning. And when i finnaly prepare for school i take my bag and shoes and go out. I am in school about ten minutes before my class start. Today my class start at half past eight. In class it was very boring beacuse we are having Geography. But and do not want to talk about the Geography. Beacuse there in the class is always boring. On Tuesday i finish a class at five to one PM. When i prepare to go home i usually  wait my friends becuse we are going home together. When finally school is finish and i am at home. I take a breath and i go watch my favorite show. And when show finish i go eat my lunch. After my lunch i go to my
room and do my homework. When i finish i go walk with my dog. Then i go listen some music and clean my room. I usually clean my room everyday beacuse is always in the mess. So then i go eat some dinner. After my dinner i prepared for bed and i ususally watch TV. And around half past nine i go sleep.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015, class 8b

I woke up at 6 o'clock. Then I ate breakfast and went to school. Our first lessen started at 7.40 ­and our first lesson was German and we learned something abut words and nouns .After that we had Slovene lesson ­and we didn't have groups. So it was more interesting than usually. We were talking abut life and happiness and what you must do in your life to make life happier. Physic was after Slovene and we weren't talking abut mass and things like that, but we were doing a machine. And it was interesting because we could talk when we were working. We had other lessons to like maths. But it was nothing special except a lot of homework!!! . At English we were talking abut shopping . Then we had a lunch, we ate some rice an salad . And than we went home .

Tuesday, September 16, 2015, Class 9

Hi, today we started the school at 7:40. We had Math. We were writing a mini test, i think it was a hard one. Then we had Geography, we were talking about migrations how they even start and why people leave their countrys. After that class we had Physics, Slovene and P.E. At the gym we were runing 300 meters and for me it wasn't hard at all, but still most of us was almost soaking wet.
Next 45 min we spent learning English and i was still sweating, but not because we were revising the tenses. Mine last class was computer literating (ROM). At the end  of my school day, I was happy. That was my Tuesday, i hope you enjoyed yours!

Monday, September 14, 2015, class 8b

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock. First I had my breakfast and then I brushed my teeth and get dressed. My first period started at 9.25, but I walk to school so I had to wake up earlier. Today was very rainy day so everybody was sleepy. I love school breaks, because me and my friends are always having fun during them. We were running 300 m at P.E today and everybody was worn out. Our last period finished at 14.50 so I could barely catch the last bus. After school I was not doing anything special.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015, class 7

I get up at 7.00. I make breakfast for me. I go to school at 7.30. The school starts at 7.40. First and second class is Science. Next class is P.E. We play football. Next class is art. We also play football. Next class is English. We study PRESENT SIMPLE and PRESENT CONTINOUS. Next class is Geography. We study Europe this year. Next class is History. This is first class in this year. Then I go to lunch. After the lunch I go home.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015, class 7

Today I wake up at 7:00. I go downstairs to prepare breakfast  for me. I dressed and  go downstairs. I
go to school with bike.  I come to school I parked the bike and lock it. I step indoor and go to my wardrobe.  I took off my stuff and  go to class. First lesson we have a P.E. In P.E. we have a first lesson we just talk all about all school lessons. Next lesson we have a free lesson. We just talk all the lesson hour and wait for another lesson. We had another P.E. lesson and  we are playing football. Next lesson we had a slovene. We talk about Ljudsko slovstvo and for homework we get a workpaper. Next lesson we had a math. It was a funny lesson, beacuse our teacher he had a good day and math it was a last lesson for this day. After this lesson I go outside sit on my bike and go home.  I come home and I start doing my homework. I do my homework and start playing video games and listen to music. I go to football  training at 16:00 beacuse,he starts at 16:30. I undressed and dressed to sports stuff. On training we had a condicion training. After the training I was tired. I come home and  just go to sofa and start watching TV. I go sleep at 21:30.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015, class 9/I

Today it was a sunny day but even though it was pretty cold. Our class had seven
hours of lessons, which was quite a lot. At Mathematics we were calculating difficult equations, at Geography we talked about population in Slovenia. In the hour of Physics we were just reviewing subject matter of the last year. English teacher gave us a lot of work for this year. At PE we were practising sprint, at Slovene lesson  a teacher was asking us questions about a song named Desetnica. Some of us had also Computer science, which was fun. During classes we were all bored and tired but teachers knew how to cheer us up. After class we had a lunch in the school. We ate chicken legs and mashed potatoes. It was delicious.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015, class 8/I

Today I went to school at 7.25. School started at 7.40. My first lesson was German. I had German for the first time in this school year.  After that we had Maths. This is my favourite subject because  it is secret subject. Then we had Slovene and Physics. We checked the homework. It was good fun. The last lesson was English. We wrote a diary and we talked about shopping. Today I learnt a lof of different things. After that I had lunch with my friends and we ate meat with potato. Then I went home. It was sunny day today.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015, class 9/II

Today I went to school by bus. My first period was Maths. It was very easy and we didn't get a lot of homework. Then I had Geography. We talked about the population of Slovenia and I liked it because I learned something new and interesting about our country. Then, after our snack, we had Physics. We learned some new things that weren't hard to understand. After that we had English class and we talked about the things that we are going to do this school year. Then we had P.E where we played dodge ball.  Next lesson was Slovene. But our teacher  wasn't at school so we had an alternate teacher . We were in the English classroom. There we did our homework. Next was lunch and after that I went home. It was a fun day.  T.K. , 9.a

Tuesday, September 8, 2015, class 8/II

Today school started at 8:30. First lesson was Maths. There wasn't anything interesting, but we got a lot of homework. Second lesson was Slovene. In the beginning, when the teacher wasn't in class yet, was really funny. Some of my classmate took a pencil case of my friend and they were  running all around the class. They were doing such a funny faces. When teacher came, we were talking about song. Than Biology was on schedule. We were talking about the differences between Science and Biology. Next was the lesson of English. First five to ten minutes all class had to wrote theirs diaries. The next minutes of the lesson we talked about different shops. At last it was Geography. We talked about Africa. And sadly we had a lot of homework.

Monday, September 7, 2015, Class 8

Today was the first Monday in our school year 2015/16.We had very long day in school.Our first lesson started at 8.30 and our last lesson ended at 14.50.The most interesting lesson was Chemistry,because we learned a lot of new thing,for example in which state can be water.The most boring lesson was P.E.,because we just ran and that wasn't interesting or fun.Today was the first lesson of German too.We played some games in which we had to rehash our old words and units.Tomorrow we have the first lesson of Biology and I hope we are going to learn something interesting and new.
Zala V. 8.A

Monday, September 7, 2015, class 7b

Today I went to school at 8:25. History teacher wasn`t in school so we had subject about the school rules. For snack we ate cereal and milk. Then we had English. It was very funny. We get a lot of homework. Then we had Slovene. We talked about speaking texts. Then we went in the art classroom. We talked about the composition. It was very cool and funny because pictures was silly. Last subject was science. We used microscopes for watching algae. I had so much fun today. It was exciting and interesting. I hope that this will happen again.

Lovro Kavčič, 7.b

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Monday, January 26,2015

Today school started at 8.30. First we had Slovene and we were reading poetry. Then, after snack, we had another hour of Slovene. After that we had Math and Music. Then we had free period and the last lesson was History. We learnt a lot of different things today and we're all happy because we're right before the conference and we finished with grades already. Tomorrow we're getting pictures and it'll be the last time 9th graders'll be pictured together.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Monday, January 19,2015

Today I went to school at 8:20. I didn’t have the first period so I just had fun with my best friend. Next there was Slovene and we got our tests back. We were writing the correction. After that we had Maths but I had to go to the dentist. Then we had Chemistry. It was really fun. After that we had History we got our tests back so we wrote correction again. Then we had Chemistry competition and when we were done we had to go back to class. For me that was Physics and we got our tests back and we were writing correction again for the third time today. After that I went to lunch with my best friends and went home. It was a really great day Jerca, 9.a

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Friday, January 16,2015

Today I went to school at 7:20. My first period was Geography. We wrote a small test about our country. Then we had Slovene for the first time this week. It was fun and kind of boring. After that we had a snack. We had pizza. After that we had Maths I got a 5. Next period was P.E we played volleyball. After that there was Chemistry it was fun. Then there was my favorite subject it was Biology. We had such fun. After that I went to lunch with my best friends and went home. It was a really great day Jerca, 9.a

Friday, January 16, 2015

Thursday, January 15,2015

Today I went to school at 8:20. Physics. We wrote a test. It was very hard. Then there was an English lesson. I had a presentation of blueberries. It is really fun during this kind of stuff for school. Next lesson was music class. We sang and talked about music after 2nd world war. In history class we talked about how did the 2nd world war affect people and states. After that I went to lunch with my best friends and went home. It was a really great day Jerca,, 9.a

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wednesday, January 14,2015

Today I went to school at 8:20. My first lesson was at 8.30. Then I had biology. That is my favorite subject in school because we have a great teacher and it’s really fun. Today I had no idea what we talked about because we started something new and I didn’t get the lesson. Then we had English class. We talked about food and everything we have been talking for weeks now. I really like what we were doing at English lessons for the past weeks. Next lesson was Slovene. Our teacher is still not at school so we had the history teacher. I don’t think it was fun because we didn’t learn anything new. Then there was the last period Maths. I don’t like it but currently we are talking about similarities of triangles. It is easy because our teacher tells the things that we have to learn very easily. After that I went to lunch with my best friends and went home. It was a great day Jerca, 9.a

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today school started at 7.40. First we had foreign languages, then we had a snack. After it we went to Math and we were doing some exercises. Then we had English and we were talking about food. Today we were talking about Menu and how to order in a restaurant. We also watched some videos. After that we had P.E and girls were playing volleyball. At physics B class wrote an exam and we are all waiting for the results. A class has test tomorrow. We are right before the conference and we are all working hard for school. We're all hoping for the best results. J.P.