Sunday, November 8, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015, class 7b

Today is Thursday. I am very happy, beacuse it is sunny. But i can`t play football beacuse my hand is broken. In school we had geography, class hour, music, maths, slovene and english. First hour we had geography, then we had class hour. After these two hours we had snack. We didn`t wrote any test or mini test. I wasn`t graded. That is very good beacuse I have more time to learn today. After english I went home. Then I had lunch. I couldn`t wrote my homework, beacuse like I said I have broken arm. Now I am at home and I am writing this
blog. I wish you a very sunny afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sorry for your arm! And happy for you to be okay again. :)
    Hopefully you learned that afternoon at least a bit.
