Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wednesday, January 14,2015

Today I went to school at 8:20. My first lesson was at 8.30. Then I had biology. That is my favorite subject in school because we have a great teacher and it’s really fun. Today I had no idea what we talked about because we started something new and I didn’t get the lesson. Then we had English class. We talked about food and everything we have been talking for weeks now. I really like what we were doing at English lessons for the past weeks. Next lesson was Slovene. Our teacher is still not at school so we had the history teacher. I don’t think it was fun because we didn’t learn anything new. Then there was the last period Maths. I don’t like it but currently we are talking about similarities of triangles. It is easy because our teacher tells the things that we have to learn very easily. After that I went to lunch with my best friends and went home. It was a great day Jerca, 9.a

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