Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015, class 7b

When i wake up i am usually very sleepy beacuse i need to get up very early. This is my  biggest problem in the morning. But when i finnaly get up i prepared for school. But usually i prepared my
outfit the night before beacuse i am usually late in the morning. And when i finnaly prepare for school i take my bag and shoes and go out. I am in school about ten minutes before my class start. Today my class start at half past eight. In class it was very boring beacuse we are having Geography. But and do not want to talk about the Geography. Beacuse there in the class is always boring. On Tuesday i finish a class at five to one PM. When i prepare to go home i usually  wait my friends becuse we are going home together. When finally school is finish and i am at home. I take a breath and i go watch my favorite show. And when show finish i go eat my lunch. After my lunch i go to my
room and do my homework. When i finish i go walk with my dog. Then i go listen some music and clean my room. I usually clean my room everyday beacuse is always in the mess. So then i go eat some dinner. After my dinner i prepared for bed and i ususally watch TV. And around half past nine i go sleep.

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