Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thursday, October 13, 2015, class 8b

Today was just another day in school. Some of us have to get to school earlier, because we had German lesson. Today was in our class only one boy and thirteen girls. Because of five boys, two were absent and the other two were on school duty. At Maths we write a mini test.After the break we had a Chemistry. There was first girl in our class graded. Because teacher for physics was not at school we had substituting a physics class. And the last class was English. There we talk about our new project a Video talking and our next mini and big test. So this was our today day in school.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I like that day, because in the class were only girls (one boy doesen't count haha). Just kidding. we don't have that many boys so we musn't talk about them like that. Very good post, again, you did a great job.
