Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tuesday, September 16, 2015, Class 9

Hi, today we started the school at 7:40. We had Math. We were writing a mini test, i think it was a hard one. Then we had Geography, we were talking about migrations how they even start and why people leave their countrys. After that class we had Physics, Slovene and P.E. At the gym we were runing 300 meters and for me it wasn't hard at all, but still most of us was almost soaking wet.
Next 45 min we spent learning English and i was still sweating, but not because we were revising the tenses. Mine last class was computer literating (ROM). At the end  of my school day, I was happy. That was my Tuesday, i hope you enjoyed yours!

1 comment:

  1. Well done, but you forgot about the argument during football.
