Monday, December 14, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015, class 7b

I wake up at seven o’clock. I wash my face and then I dress. I prepare my school bag. After I eat my breakfast I go to school by foot. We start the day at half past eight with workshop. We work in small groups. We talk about violence. We talk what violence means for us and what colour we think it is. Then we have breakfast in our classes. After it we have Slovene breakfast in school canteen. Then we continue with workshop. We need to write a story about violence. When the workshop ends we watch a play: the troubles of teenager Hana. After the play we talk with our teacher about the play. Because we talk with our teacher about violence the day before, our last hour was Slovene. I am very tired at the end of the school day. I walk home slowly. When I come home I take my violin and hurry to music school. After violin I go to ballet class. I come home at half past six p.m. and I have dinner with my family. I am tired but happy, because the school week is over.


  1. You did not write in past and when you wrote that you went to school you said you went to school by foot but you probably went to school by feet.

  2. You did not write in past and when you wrote that you went to school you said you went to school by foot but you probably went to school by feet.
