Monday, September 21, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015, class 9/I

This morning we had Maths. We revised everything we already knew, and then we got some exercises to do at home. I didn't go to English class, because I had to go to my orthodontist in
Ljubljana. My orthodontist took my braces off. I was really excited and happy about it. It also
made my teeth look very big. Then I came back to school. We had Physics and we started to
write a report about velocity and acceleration. We have to hand in our report on Tuesday.
After Physics we had Slovene. We read a folk prose Desetnica. Then we had lunch at 12.05,
but I had to wait until 14.05 for Manners of Nourishment. I went home at 14.50. Happy weekend!


  1. Very interesting day! I guess you were very happy to get your braces off!

  2. Wow! I'm so happy for you! Now your smile looks even nicer!!! <3

  3. Wow! I'm so happy for you! Now your smile looks even nicer!!! <3
