Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015, class 8b

I woke up at 6 o'clock. Then I ate breakfast and went to school. Our first lessen started at 7.40 ­and our first lesson was German and we learned something abut words and nouns .After that we had Slovene lesson ­and we didn't have groups. So it was more interesting than usually. We were talking abut life and happiness and what you must do in your life to make life happier. Physic was after Slovene and we weren't talking abut mass and things like that, but we were doing a machine. And it was interesting because we could talk when we were working. We had other lessons to like maths. But it was nothing special except a lot of homework!!! . At English we were talking abut shopping . Then we had a lunch, we ate some rice an salad . And than we went home .


  1. Nice job I.K. I like the way you explain the Slovene lesson. 😉

  2. I like slovene , That's good blog, because , you explaine everything in this blog

  3. Thats good jub but I think that "abut" is wrong, its "about"
