Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesaday, September 22, 2015, class 9/II

Hi, today we started the school at 7:40. We had Math. We were writing a mini test yesterday, so today we got it back. I've got an A and I was really happy, because of that. Then we had Biology, we were talking about cells. Two schoolmates have been graded and they both got an A. After that class we had Chemistry, English and P.E. At the gym we should run on 600m, but teacher decided that we will run tomorrow, so today we were playing hockey. Mine last class was Geography, we wrote a report about the school trip on which we were last Friday. This report will be 20 percent of our grade. At the end of the day I was very happy that I can finally go home. That was my Tuesday, I hope you enjoyed yours!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, well done for mini test. It seems like your class is surprisingly successful. Carry on the good work!
