Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3, 2015, class 7b

Today is 3rd of November. It is sunny. I realy like this weather. Today is Tuesday and we had Sport for release, France, PE, slovene and maths. That is my favourite day. First hour we had Sport for release and then we had one hour of France. Second hour of France we had sixth Hour. After second hour we had morning snack. After snack we had PE. We played voleyball. And fifth hour we wrote maths mini-test. After second hour of France I went home. I had lunch at home. After lunch I did my homework. And now I am writing this blog. Then I am going to go out, beacuse it is wery nice weather.


  1. France is a country.
    You had french.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
