Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015, class 9/I

I started my school day with Math class and two people were graded. Next period was English. We were mixed with the sixth graders, because their teacher was absent. Speaking of absent, a lot of boys weren't at school because of the volleyball competition in Pirniče. In English class we checked our homework and talked about food. After our snack we had Biology. We got our tests back and the teacher said we did great. A lot of my classmates were happy about their grades, so was I. But a few got a negative grade and I hope they're going to study harder and get better grades in the future. The teacher gave us some free time to study or chit-chat with each other. Then we had Physics. We did some excerises, because we're going to write a test next week. After Physics we had Slovene, one of my favourite subjects. Then we had lunch, went home and did our usual Friday activities.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting blog! I like your description of an ordinary school day!
