Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015, class 7b

Just anather boring day!

It is 7th October 2015 today. It si windy , cloudy and sometimes it is rainy. It is cold. I hate that weather. On Wednesdays  I have  maths, english, tehnology, slovene and germany at school.  Today
we  write a miny maths test . Tomorow  is school  dence for students  from 7, 8, 9 class from six  to
nine  a qclock. Tommorow is a school  orienteering competition, too. Today it is boring beacuse I
have nothing to do, exsept this homework. Today nobady  can`t be outside. Right now I am writting
this homework, my brother is looking TV and my parents are working.

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