Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Monday, November 30, 2015, class 7b

This morning I woke up at 7:30. I went downstairs and prepared breakfast. I went to school by car. I came to school at 8:15 and went to my wardrope. After this I went to History class and sat down on the chair. This morning we wrote the test. Next class lesson was English. At the English lesson wrote minitests. Next lesson was Slovene. At the slovene we wrote the list of paper for Exercise.
After slovene we had block lesson of Art. We are going to do picture of Love. After Art we hade Sciense. At Sciense teacher gave tests back. After
Sciense I weint home. After school a I had training at 16:00. I came home at 17:30. When I came home I played video games. This day was awseome.

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