Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015, class 9/I

Today, our day started with another lesson of Maths. We tried to solve equations and things like that. Then, we had Geography, where we talked about settlements in Slovenia. It was quite interesting. Afterwards we had Physics, where we got tons of homework. Next class - Slovene - we learned many things about Brižinski spomeniki, the 1st notations in Slovenian language. Sometimes (when you read or listen to them), you're quite surprised how the old Slovene sounds like! At P.E., we played football or basketball and during English, our teacher graded our knowledge of tenses. Some students were really nervous. And then, the classes finished. We ate lunch at 12.55. I went home twenty minutes later… And now, I'll have to do all the homework. I don’t like it much… L

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