Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015, class 9/II

Today I went to school by bus. My first period was Maths. It was very easy and we didn't get a lot of homework. Then I had Geography. We talked about the population of Slovenia and I liked it because I learned something new and interesting about our country. Then, after our snack, we had Physics. We learned some new things that weren't hard to understand. After that we had English class and we talked about the things that we are going to do this school year. Then we had P.E where we played dodge ball.  Next lesson was Slovene. But our teacher  wasn't at school so we had an alternate teacher . We were in the English classroom. There we did our homework. Next was lunch and after that I went home. It was a fun day.  T.K. , 9.a


  1. Oh, Maths for first period...Awful! But not that much, because we have a good Math teacher. And yes, dodge ball was great on Tuesday it was the fun part of the day.

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    2. Yes, I didn't really like the first period, but I guess our teacher made it better and P.E was also great.
