Monday, November 16, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015, class 7b

Hi I`m Jakob and  today  I`m very happy becous is Friday and is last day before the weekend . We had a double period of scienc,sport,geography,maths and than english.We didn`t have so much homework. We didn`t write any test and I wasn`t  graded.We had history too . Tomorow I`m going to have a lunch whit my grandfather and grandmother. That`s all for todays blog.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jakob,
    I can't stand your so many spelling mistakes! :D Why wouldn't you show me that stuff before publishing ... And set English as your friendly teacher suggested!It really helps you to notice the mistake and correct it.
    However, I enjoyed our little hike to grandparents' house. :)
