Thursday, May 5, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016, class 9/I

Today, all of the 6th and 9th graders took an exam called NPZ. We had Maths and in my opinion it wasn't that easy. After the exam we had our snack and right after that we had Maths. We didn't really do much, because we only had la little bit more than 20 minutes left. Next period was Chemistry. I don't really enjoy it, but today two of my classmates had a presentation about wine and to be honest, it was kind of interesting. Then we had Gym class. We played basketball and even if I'm not really good at it, I had a lot of fun. After that we had one free hour because our Biology teacher was absent. So we went outside and the majority of my classmates played hide-and- seek. Later we had History. There we prepared for the NPZ that we are writing next week. I hope it won't be too difficult.

Bye for now!

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