Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I woke up at 9 a.m., because it was first day of holidays. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I went to kitchen. I made breakfast. Then I cleaned the house with vacuum cleaner. When I ended I went to my room. On computer I watched film. I saw the weather is good, so I ridded my bike. It was 1 p.m. Then I made lunch. I baked lasagna. It was really tasty. Then I went with bike to library. I took two books. I went home. I started read. Then my mom and my sister came home. My father did not because he was in China. It was 4 p.m. We went in Ljubljana. We stopped in sweet shop. I ate chocolate cake. We went home at 7 p.m. We watched film Titanic. At 10 p.m. I went to bed.

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