Sunday, May 15, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Today I woke at 6 o'oclock.For breakfast I ate a milk and corenflakes.Then I went on a walk by my 7:50 I brush my teeth and then I went to school at 8 o'clock. Our first hour was English. We workt exercise abaut nationality and country. Then we had lunch. At 11:10 we had Geography. We did a workbook for appraisail. At 12:05 we had classhour. Lara -Anja and Leon had a presentation.Our last hour was SPH we cooked a cake. I got 5.when i came home I went on a walk by my horses and dogs. At 3:15 I ate a lunch. I ate a spaghetti whit meat and salad.

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