Monday, May 2, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016, class 9/I

Today school started at 7:40 AM with Math. We practiced for the National exam, which is coming in May. Then we had English. Two students had their movie review presentations and others will have theirs after the break. Afterwards we had snack. We ate a fruit yoghurt and a cheese roll. Later we had Biology. We learnt about the evolution of organisms. Next we had Physics and then Slovene. At Slovene we practiced the grammar. Last lesson today was Chemistry. We calculated the mass of the atoms. When the Chemistry ended we went to eat the lunch. We ate grilled chicken with rice. That was the end of the school day. Now we’re all very happy, because the weekend is here and the spring break is coming very soon.


  1. Oh, so you had six classes that day. I think that you did many interesting things in the break, didn't you? Did you also go to the seaside?

  2. No, unfortunately I didn't go to the seaside.
