Thursday, May 26, 2016


Fire ant They can grow from eight to ten millimetres long. Ant workers have red trunks and black abdomens. Queens and drones had wings. Drones are black. They are useful because they eat some pests. They eat louses too. Ant workers in danger strong bite. They can sat free poison from poison gland in the stomach. It is named formic acide. Fair ants are spread in all Europe. Queen make new colony. Ants workers make anthill. Anthill is from hypogeal and overhead part. The biggest anthills are one point five metres high. Larvas are five millimetres long. Armadillo They are close relative of anteaters. They eat ants too, but they are very special. If armadillo winced it jumped to one metres high and nutates in ball shaped. They eat ants with long, sticky tongue as anteaters. But anteaters don’t have cuirass. FILIP, 7.a

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