Wednesday, May 25, 2016


This type of animal is called meerkat. Meerkat lives in savannah in the area of ​​Angola, Namibia, Kalahari Desert in Botswana and South. Although a great dig, they prefer to live in the tunnels. With expanded facilities, taking place on several levels, can be up to 6.5 meters deep. Meerkat live in a herd composed of 30 animals of different sex and age. With one pack several families. Most of the pups is the offspring of the alpha male and female. In ZOO are smaller groups. They are territorial animals and defend their territory against intruders and other packs meerkat’s. The smelly secretions of the glands under the tail indicate your area (rocks, roots, plants on the outskirts of the territory). They are mostly active during the day. Meerkat are prey to other animals such as hawks, eagles and jackals. However, Meerkat developed a special technique of protection. While some nutrients, other '' guard ''. The guards stand at the highest point and lookout for predators. In the case of danger warning advertised. Votes are different whether it is a predator that is approaching them from the air and coming on the ground. Then all meerkat's run to the nearest trenches. They eat insects, arachnids, snails, rodents, birds, eggs, lizards and snakes. They weight about 950 g, theire length is to 29 cm. They can live up to 10 years. After eleven weeks, females give birth to 6 pups at birth, and theire weight is 35 g. All meerkat are caring for puppies herd, and they confinement feeding there for a sufficient amount of milk that is better quality. Meerkat eat poisonous snakes and scorpions too. The poison doesn't hurt them, beacuse they are immune to it. They can survive without drinking liquid water. A sufficient amount of water derived from the roots, tubers and fruits. The skull and teeth of meerkat reminiscent of the original beast. Source: Eva,7.a

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