Monday, May 23, 2016


Today I woke up ten to seven. I dressed up and I went to eat my breakfast. At ten to eight I went on bus station next to the school. Then I went with my classmates in Atlantis. We came to Atlantis at ten o’clock. We got bracelets. Then we went into the pool. We had a lot of fun there. We went in sauna and there was so hot. We went on water slide, I and my friend were went together. On the end of slide there was man who was so enjoying and he was so angry. We went to take a shower. Then we went in McDonalds. There I ate French fries, coca-cola and burger. Then we wait the bus. We went back home. At home I ate pizza. Then I went to study. At five o‘clock I went to watch TV. I take a shower at eight o’clock. I was so sleepy. At ten o’ clock I went to bed, but I didn’t fall in sleep.

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